Kel: WHY do you do this to me?...

Duo: *doesn’t grace her with an answer*

Kel: I can’t DO songfics... *pouts*

DISCLAIMER: All right! All right! I admit, they’re mine! I created Gundam Wing! Bawahahahahahahahah! .... Actually, no. They aren’t. That was just my delusion kicking in. Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit sings ‘My Way’.
PAIRING: 1x2, 3x4 no da.
STATUS: Second songfic of November Almost-7, 2000
WARNING: Mild cursing. Relena bashing. Sleep deprivation...

My Way


You think you're special
You do//

{Relena called Heero’s name loudly, waving frantically to get a boy’s attention. Everyone around blinked and looked around to see the only student the girl was looking at was the new student, Hiroshi Yukana. Beside him stood the other student, Max Duowell, who had his hands covering his face in a I’m-suffering-greatly-will-someone-slam-a-book-over-my-head? Position. Hiroshi’s jaw tightened in annoyance and he turned away, dragging his friend by the braid.

Relena didn’t seem bothered by his rejection; she just followed him quickly, almost glaring at the boy whose braid was in her true loves hands. She couldn’t understand why Heero was always around that American pilot. The braided boy did try to kill him the first time they met; so why was he hanging around her Heero? He obviously didn’t like it. He always looked annoyed with the pilot whenever she saw him!

Poor Relena didn’t know that the annoyance was aimed at her more than anybody said psycho boy had ever met.}

//I can see it in your eyes
I can see it when you laugh at me
Look down on me
And walk around on me//

{Relena caught up with the two boys, smiling benevolently at one while completely ignoring the other. When she did turn a certain amount of attention on him, she nearly laughed aloud at the pain filled look on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck, shooting a glare at her Heero during the process. When he looked back at her, she tilted her chin and decided she should pay much more attention to her Heero; he was walking off without her. Without a second glance she brushed passed the braided boy, murmuring something that sounded vaguely like “Pardon me”.}

//Just one more fight
About your leadership
And I will straight up
Leave your shit
Cause I've had enough of this
And now I'm pissed//

{Duo was back in her face in an instant, a scowl twisting his handsome features as he poked her in the arm hard, hissing at her. They were under different names? How was she supposed to know that? She snapped back, matching his glare. He threw up his hands and replied in exasperation. She should know, she was the stalker?! Who was _he_ to talk to HER that way? Did she care if she had his support? He was only a soldier, after all. A soldier that loved the war as much as Romerfeller did. Why else would he and the others resort to such barbaric ways of solving problems?}

{Relena conveniently forgot to add Heero under that category. She knew at the bottom of her heart that he was different from Duo. He didn’t like to fight this war like he tried to pretend for the sake of his comradeship and the mission. She knew... She knew because they were destined soul mates.

Duo watched her walk off, not even taking heed in his words as she again called Heero’s name, loud and clear for anyone to hear. With a sarcastic remark about the people in Tibet not hearing her, he followed reluctantly.}

This time I'm 'a let it all come out
This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
I'm 'a do things my way
It's my way
My way, or the highway//

//This time I'm 'a let it all come out
This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
I'm 'a do things my way
It's my way
My way, or the highway//

//Just one more fight
About a lot of things
And I will give up everything
To be on our own again
Free again//

{Duo warned her once more about blowing their cover, but she simply waved it off. Why should she listen to him? She only listened to Heero, she informed him, but she would keep his suggestion in mind. Duo looked as if he were going to do some bodily harm once more, but his expression smoothed out and he walked leisurely behind her, waving hello to various classmates.}

This time I'm 'a let it all come out
This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
I'm 'a do things my way
It's my way
My way, or the highway//

//This time I'm 'a let it all come out
This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
I'm 'a do things my way
It's my way
My way, or the highway//

//Some day you'll see things my way
Cause you never know
Where, you never know
Where you're gonna go//

{Heero. She’d finally found him, standing under a willow tree as he watched the calm waters of the pond located not far from the school. Not only that, but she’d lost that annoying Maxwell, too. She started to come forward, her mouth open in greeting, until someone beat her to the punch.

“Hee-chan!” laughed the American pilot as he closed in on Heero, merrily skipping all the way. Relena glowered from her hidden area, wishing silently that she had some time alone with the Japanese pilot. Why did he have to interfere once again? Could he not leave them alone? She was about to stalk out there and demand her well-deserved private time with Heero until the next actions froze her.

Heero smiled. It was the smile she wished he’d give her, the smile she so desperately wanted for herself. Instead, it was aimed at the American pilot, happily grinning as the Japanese pilot took his braid and stroked softly.

“I lost her,” she heard Duo purr, snuggling up to her Heero. Those words chilled her very soul to the core, her face frozen in a mask of horror. “Hopefully she’ll realize she’s not wanted. She’ll go crawl back under her rock sooner or later, trust me.”

“Hn,” remarked the ever silent Japanese pilot, seemingly not minding the snuggling. He kissed the braided pilot on the forehead, making a steady trail down his nose to his full lips. The kiss lingered there, almost like they were being savored. Finally the two boys parted and cuddled.

“I love you, Heero,” she heard Duo whisper. Her heart was encased in ice at the usually cold boy’s next words.

“I love you, too.”

Relena’s world came to a sudden crashing halt as her heart cracked and shattered into a million different pieces.}

This time I'm 'a let it all come out
This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
I'm 'a do things my way
It's my way
My way, or the highway//

//Some day you'll see things my way
Cause you never know
Where, you never know
Where you're gonna go//


Kel: This is your fault.

Duo: You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that.

Kel: .....

Duo: ^_____^ You’re forgiven now. Just make sure you don’t REALLY start liking Relena. I’d have to kill you then.

Kel: O.O;;

Sephy: *drily* C&C welcome.

Proud Member of DHML

Owner of Chiisaishi-Duo and Sephy
Keeper of the Secret to Heero’s Spandex and Where He Puts That Gun (and I’m not telling!)
Trickster of the Infamous Downsville High School(infamous... ch’!)
Liar of the Last Thingy Above
Member of PHA (Pepsi-Holics Anonymous)
Slave-Driver Buster (Who ya gonna call? Slave-Driver Busters!)
Original Daddy’s Girl
Supplier of Sephy’s Alcoholic Needs ^.^
And last but not least... Hentai Queen of Downsville! Wahah!


“Heeeeeerooo! Hurry up and come KILL me!”
“Hn. Mission accomplished.”


All romance novelists are perverts. If they weren’t perverts, characters would never get to third base, much less home.


“Duo on bottom.”
“No, Heero on bottom.”
“No, DUO on bottom.”
“No! Heero on bottom!”
“Duo?! You too?!”
*knock!knock!knock!*”Sis, who’re you talking to?”
“.... Nobody!”


“Argh! Kel, stop making up these sigs! You’re givin’ us headaches!”
“... I think that’s the point, Duo...”


“Am not.”
“Am NOT!”
“Schi~zo...” “AM NOT! Shut UP, Sephy!”
“DAMNIT, Duo...!”


“Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup...”
“You’ve been imagining yourself in ‘Survivors’ again, haven’t you?”
“.... Not really. Just thinking about _Wu-chan_ in ‘Survivors’...”
–-random act of actually talking to my muses in the middle of class and thinking about that guy who basically said ‘if you die, we’re eating you!’ *grins*


Two roads diverged in a wood
And I–
I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference
-–Robert Frost, how I describe my unusual way of thinking.


“The only way to get somewhere is to start from where you are.”
“*snort* You got that from a poster.”
“.... Shut up, Sephy...”


“C’mon, Duo, it’s not the end of the world. Sixteen is a great age!”
“*wailing* I’m getting older! See, there’s a wrinkle! Hee-koi’s gonna HATE me! Waaaah!”
“*sweatdrop* You can’t possible be having a midlife crisis NOW.”
“Look at it this way, Duo-chan... Be thankful it’s only another birthday creeping up on you.”
“*sniff* How?”
“*solemnly* It could be your underwear.”
“*identical sweatdrops from two different sources* Kel no BAKA!”