Kel: *sobs* I tried to hold back the urge... “Deathfics aren’t my thing,” I told myself. “I wouldn’t be any good at it and I don’t like sad endings,” I added. “I don’t even read them if I can help it.” And then this song came on... This evil, good, sad song that made me think... And I utterly fell for it.

Sephy: *drops his protester’s sign and sighs in triumph* Finally...

Kel: *deadpan* That, and Sephy’s been hiding my cappuccino and Pepsi and went on strike for a week. Evil muse...

Sephy: Oi, I’m tired of all the happy humorous fics you keep writing. *rubs his hands together and grins evilly* Send in the angst, babe! Bawahahahahahahah!

Kel: *repeats* Evil, evil muse...

DISCLAIMER: They aren’t mine. *snorts* As if it weren’t obvious before...
PAIRINGS: 1+2, 3+4, and anyone willing to take up Wu-kitty’s sex life, speak now or forever hold your peace. *suddenly finds herself holding a broom and looking wild eyed* He’s MINE! Wahahahahahah!
Duo: *drily* In your dreams...
STATUS: November fic challenge... *cringes* Evil me...
WARNINGS: Death (duh) of the three most undeserving characters out there... *sob* Angst, no happy-go-lucky here... I can pretend, but... *blows her nose* I also readjusted the lyrics to fit my needs... i.e. changed ‘she’ to ‘he’.

The Freshmen

//When I was young I knew everything
And he a punk who rarely ever took advice//

{Heero stood with his comrades-in-arms over a map of a base, pointing to each of them individually and giving them their directions in an emotionless tone. When he reached Duo’s instructions, one could easily note the softening of his eyes and the hitch in his breath as his eyes lingered over the braided beauty’s lithe form. He informed his braided lover of the importance of his part, but the boy just laughed and winked, claiming that it would be no problem for him to handle.

“I’m Shinigami,” he joked, his eyes twinkling in mischief. “Those Ozzies will never see my coming.”}

//Now I'm guilt stricken, sobbing with my head on the floor
Stop a baby's breath and a shoe full of rice, no//

{Suddenly the room they had been in seemed to flood with color, old with lack of cleaning and not enough movement to stir the settled dust. Heero was kneeled in the center of the room, staring off into space as he clutched a blood-encrusted cross to his chest. Hot tears pricked his normally unrelenting blue eyes, full of sadness that could not be defined. The mission...

Mission failed. He never thought he would utter those words again... Not after the first incident with Noventa...}

//I can't be held responsible
Cause he was touching his face
I won't be held responsible
He fell in love in the first place//


That name. It had been all he could utter for days on end. His beloved... His friend...

His lover.}

//For the life of me I cannot remember
What made us think that we were wise and we'd never compromise
For the life of me I cannot believe we'd ever die for these sins
We were merely freshmen//

{Their young appearance caused people not to think twice when they entered a school. Quatre with his etiquette, Trowa with his silent personification, Wufei with his air of suggested nobility, he with his cold calculations, and Duo... Duo with his happy-go-lucky attitude. No one would ever imagine young teens such as themselves to be able to kill thousands of Oz soldiers without a second thought. Much less imagine Duo and Quatre of such a merciless act. This had worked to their advantage. But now...

What went wrong? When did they become so dependent on each other? It wasn’t supposed to happen that way. He wasn’t supposed to care... How did the five of them become close friends?...

How did Duo become his lover?

He remembered so clearly... There were too many mobile dolls. Too many for even him to handle. Duo tried to complete his part of the mission, and he did...

With the cost of his life.

Later he learned Duo died for nothing. Someone had leaked information and Oz had quickly moved the object they were working to demolish. Mission failure...

‘Duo... I wish you would come back to me...’}

//My best friend took a week's vacation to forget him
His boy took a week's worth of valium and slept//

{Quatre. Quatre couldn’t handle the stress... He was supposed to back Duo up, and he failed his part of the mission. The blonde had agonized for weeks afterwards, and after Trowa suddenly left... The blonde was found in his room with an overdose of a drug he’d been taking to “make the pain go away”.

Not only did they lose their laughter... they lost their care as well.}

//And now he's guilt stricken, sobbing with his head on the floor
Thinks about him now and how he never really wept he says//

{Heero had never seen Trowa cry before. Now that the silent pilot had a reason to cry... it was like floodgates opening. Heero was unable to comfort the other in his time of need, but Wufei had taken this job. Wufei was just as shaken as the other two. More so, possibly. But the Chinese pilot treated the deaths of two friends that were so important to him as if it had happened to him before...

Wufei wasn’t found that far away from either of them after a while. Heero didn’t know what happened to have the ‘personal missions’ stop, but Heero was glad they had. He didn’t think he could keep Trowa sane, when he himself was dipping dangerously close to the dark abyss.}

//I can't be held responsible
Cause he was touching his face
I won't be held responsible
He fell in love in the first place//

{Duo... Quatre... Those two were the positive aspects of them all. Why did they leave them? Why?...

Why did Shinigami take them so suddenly?}

//For the life of me I cannot remember
What made us think that we were wise and we'd never compromise
For the life of me I cannot believe we'd ever die for these sins
We were merely freshmen//

{Observation. It was one of the things Heero did when he came to Earth. For one thing, he noticed that people his age, people with no worries other than school and homework and tests... weren’t affected by the war the way he was. They didn’t kill, they didn’t bleed on the battle field for what they believed was right. The didn’t treat death as if it were a common plight, or moved as frequently as they did.

Was it the way Fate intended? Hn. He didn’t believe in fate much...}

//We've tried to wash our hands of all of this
We never talk of our lacking relationships//

{He and Trowa didn’t talk much. Not that they ever had before, but this was a different type of silence. They didn’t talk in fear of bringing up painful memories... They feared, for once in their lives, that if one mentioned something so insignificant that they would be reminded of the two people important to them... Two people that each had lost...

Wufei didn’t mind. Wufei more or less tried his best to keep the two together. But he didn’t have to fineness of Quatre or the feyness and cheer of Duo. It wasn’t the same...}

//And how we're guilt stricken, sobbing with our heads on the floor
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip, we'd say//

{Sometimes the two would mourn together. They never imagined the deaths of comrades–lovers–would ever hurt them as much as it did.}

//I can't be held responsible
Cause he was touching his face
I won't be held responsible
He fell in love in the first place//

{Heero prided himself of being an absolutely Perfect Soldier. The death of his first and last lover broke his years of hard training in the first three seconds of Duo’s death.

He failed.

He stood over the cliff, looking out over the ocean to see the beautiful horizon as the sun slowly began to set and the moon rose. Night and day... Duo once said that they were like that. Heero was the night, cold yet comforting and filled with mysteries far beyond compare. And Duo described himself as the day. Bright and earnest, hoping to bring life by feeding the plants that gave the oxygen through death by killing those trapped under it’s heated sun too long.

“Even night and day have a meeting point, Hee-koi,” Duo had murmured softly as he wrapped his arms around the other’s waist, Heero replying by wrapping his arm around his lover’s neck. “There’s that point where the moon and the sun are in the same frame. That’s like our meeting point, koi. It’s what makes us... compatible, I guess.”

The sun completely set, masking the grounds of the cliff and the surrounding area with the glow of the huge, round moon. He bowed his head, eyes closed as tears leaked from their prison.}

//For the life of me I cannot remember
What made us think that we were wise and we'd never compromise
For the life of me I cannot believe we'd ever die for these sins
We were merely freshmen//

{“Duo-koi...” he murmured softly, raising his face to meet the moon’s glow. “Aishiteru, Duo-koi. Aishiteru...”

He jumped from the cliff that day. As it turns out...

As it turns out... Even the Perfect Soldier knows how to die.}

//For the life of me I cannot remember
What made us think that we were wise and we'd never compromise
For the life of me I cannot believe we'd ever die for these sins
We were merely freshmen//

(‘Wait for me, koibito...’}

The End

Kel: *stares in horror* You... made me kill Heero...

Duo: *stares in equal horror* You... you killed Heero...

Kel: *wails* I wasn’t supposed to! Sephy, you just said Quatre and Duo! *sobs and runs off crying*

Sephy: *grins* C&C welcome. Bawahah! ^.^v
