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Rugby is actually a very simple game to play, I started off playing rugby and i didn't have a clue, but after just a couple of months, i was able to pick it up quite simply just by watching others play it.

Rugby, like some other sports, is divided into two, 40 minutes halves Each start off with a kickoff, where the ball is placed in the middle and one team kicks to the other. The objective is to carry the ball past the opponents goal line, or kick it through his goal posts. (Click here to see what a rugby field looks like)

Rugby features almost continuous play. Stoppages occur only when a player is injured, when points are scored, if the ball crosses the boundaries of the field, or when there is a restart of play resulting from a rules violation.

In rugby, there are 15 players per side. This is divided into 8 forwards and 7 backs . The forwards have to try and get the ball, (so they are all the ones getting smashed and shoving and kicking!) Whilst the backs try to run the ball upfield and score. This is usually done by set plays, where they have designated plays to run in order to 'trick' the opponent.

There is one other thing in rugby that i forget to mention that is different from most sports, and that is that you can only throw the ball backwards, i.e parallel to your goal line. This is the real difference that differentiates rugby from american football!!!

So, the game starts after the kickoff. The recieving team can catch the ball, and try to run towards opponents goal line. The opposing team can stop them by 'tackling' them, or simply put, grabbing them to bring them to the floor. (A player can only tackle someone who actaully has the ball!) Then there is a race to pick up the ball again, and run to the opponents goal line to score.

Note: in the above description, when someone is tackled, normally the forwards have to come to pick up the ball. With both team's forwards there, it ain't an easy task! So the forwards of both sides try and shove each other *away* from the ball, leaving the ball for their scrumhalf to pick up and pass to the backs. When these situations occur, either a ruck or a maul is occured this is when the ball is on the floor (because the player who had it got tackled) or when the player who was tackled managed to stay on his feet. NB: If a player falls on the floor, he /she must let go of the ball. Usually, they'll place it on their side of the field, making it easier for the forwards to get.

When the ball goes out of bounds, a line out is formed. This is when players line up parallel to one another, whilst the team who has possession sends a player to throw it in. Both teams jump and try to recover the ball, and play then continues.

If, due to a violation of rules, sometimes a 'scrum' will be called. This is when all the forwards of both teams all lock up, and the scrumhalf puts the ball in the middle. Then both teams try to push each other and use their feet to kick the ball backwards for their scrumhalf to get.


A team can score in 3 ways, a try, conversion or goal. :

A try: This is when the player of one team manages to carry the ball over the opponents goal line. The team who scores is rewarded 5 points, and a chance to 'convert'

A conversion: This occurs after a player has scored a try, he is given a chance to kick the ball between the opponents goal post. If he does so successfully, his team is awarded another 2 points along with the 5 from the try scored.

A drop-goal: This is when a player decides instead of trying to score a try, he kicks the ball between the opponents goal post in the middle of a play. His team is awarded 3 points for a 'drop-goal'.

~Violations~ (Rules)

All the following are illegal, and therefore against the rules of rugby. When the referee calls them, either a scrum, or a 'tap' (when the penalized team must step back 10 yards and play then restarts):

A high tackle: This is very straightforward. A tackle must hit below the shoulder.

A forward pass: This is also straightforward. It occurs when a player throws the ball forwards to his teammate.

A knock-on: This happens when a player drops his ball forward.

Cheapshots: Punching, kicking, poking eyes and anything like that.

