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Soldiers of The Revolution

A Muster Roll of Capt. Samuel Bliss's Company of Minut Men from Rehoboth, from the 19th of April to the 27th , 1775 each 8 day's service

Capt. Samuel Bliss, Lieut. Aaron Walker, Ensign Joseph Allen, Serjeant Aaron Read, Serjeant James Bullock, Serjeant Noah Allen, Serjeant Chrisstopher Ormsbee, Nathan Wheeler, Jonathan Nask, Elijah Perry, Peter Read, Hohn Bown, Samuel Munroe, William Fairbrother, Benjamin Coomer, William Allen, Oliver Jones, Samuel Allen, Joseph Ingals, Thomas Campbell, Hohn Dryer, Nathan Turner, Nathaniel Turner, Ephraim Bliss, Levi Lewis, Valentine Wheeler, Jonathan Macomber, Able Hix, Preserved Bullock, Laben Lake, Jonathan Drowne, Ezekiel Hix, Joseph Allen, Jacob Fuller, Comfort Stanley, Oliver Peck, Amos Bliss, Philip Peck Solomen Peck, Elnathan Lake, Josiah Perry, Ichabod Wade, Christopher Blanding

[Vital Records of Rehoboth by James Arnold 1891]

A Muster Roll of Capt. John Perry's Company of Minute Men from April 19 to April 27, 1775

Capt. John Perry, Lieut. John Paine, Ensign James Bucklin, Sergeant John Wilson, Sergeant John Smith, Miles Shorey, Aaron Lyon, Preserved Abell, Caleb Walker, James Hill, William Bridgham, Richard Fairbrother, Jonathan Read, Samuel Jones, Enos Walker, Amos Goffa, Comfort Hill, William Ingraham, Lemuel Perren, Demos Biship, James Campbell, Peter WHITAKER, Ezra Read, John Williams (drummer), Isaac Fuller, Joseph Wheaton, Jonathan Barney, Simeon Bowen, John Ingraham, Elkanah French, Barzaleel Bowen, James Medbury, Robert Abell, Eleazer Bowen, Amos Read, William Carpenter,

[Vital Records of Rehoboth by James Arnold 1897]

The following is a list of the officers in Col. Timothy Walker's regiment, enlisted for eight months from April and May of 1775, Col. Walker belonged to Rehoboth and also a part of his officers

STAFF OFFICERS: Timothy Walker, Esq., Col.; Nathaniel Leonard, Lieut, Col.; Abiel Mitchell, Major

CAPTAINS: John Perry, Peter Pitts, Mason Shaw, Silas Cobb, John King, Daniel Parker, Samuel Bliss, Caleb Richardson, Jacob Fuller, Francis Liscomb, Olive Soper, Maxcy Williams, Samuell Tubbs, Jr.

LIEUTENANTS: John Paine, Samuel Lane, Simeon Cobb, Isaac Smith, Enock Robinson, Aaron Walker, Zebedee Raiden, John Shaw, Matthew Randall, Noah Hall,

ENSIGNS: Thomas Bucklin, Hohn Cook, Thomas Williams, Isaac Fisher, Solomon Stanley, Joseph Allen, Henery Briggs, Jowl Tubbs, Seth Pratt, Abraham Hathaway

[Vital Records of Rehoboth by James Arnold 1897]

A list of men under Capt. Samuel Bliss who enlisted for 8 months from April and May, 1775, in Col Timothu Walkers Regiment.

Capt. Samuel Bliss, Lieut. Aaron Wheeler, Ensign Joseph Allen, Sergeant Aaron Read, Sergeant James Bullock, Sergeant Noah Allen, Sergeant Christopher Ormsbee, Corporal Nathaniel Bliss, Corporal Nathaniel Wheeler, Corperal Jonathan Macomber, Corperal Elijah Wheeler, Drunner James Wheeler, Fifer Cyriel Smith, Joseph Allen, Samuel Allen, Wiliam Allen, Ephraim Bless, Charles Bless, David Bliss, Levi Baldwin, Thomas Baldwin, Preserved Bullock, Isaaac Burr, Samuel Baker, Eliphalet Corbin, James Cole, Thomas Campbell, John Dryer, William Fairbrother, Simon Goff, Abel Hix, Joseph Ingals, ----- Ide, Oliver Jones, Labin Lake, Levi Lewis, Samuel Munroe, Jonathan Nash, David Perry, Sylvester Peck, Peter Read, Nathaniel Round, Richard Round, Comfort Robinson, David Turner, Nathan Turner, Valentine Wilmot, Jonathan Drown, Christopher Blanding

Samuel Allen deserted June 27, 1775, the only one of the company to do so.

[Vital Records of Rehoboth by James Arnold 1897]

This roll was made up Aug. 1, 1775, and paid by State and paid by United States the the last 5 months.

A Muster Roll of the company under command of Capt. John Perry in Col. Timothy Walker's Regimant enlisted for 8 months t the 1st of August, 1775.

Capt. John Perry, Lieut. John Paine, Ensign James Buklin, Sergeant Robert Sutton, Sergeant John Wilson, Sergeant John Smith, Sergeant Miles Shorey, Corporal Amos Goff, Corporal Lemuel Perren, Corporal James Hill, Corpiral David Lawrence, Drummer John Williams, Fifer james Bly, Preserved Abell, James Alger, George Allen, Squire Allen, William Bridgham, Demos Bishop, Isaac Bowers, Charles Bowers, Asa Bpwers, Gideon Brown, Sylvester Bowers, Jonathan Bucklin, Josiah Blake, Barzilla Bowen, Barzaleel Bowen, James Campbell, Samuel Chaffee, William Daggett, Richard Fairbrother, Isaac Fuller, William Fuller, Jonathan French, Sylvester Fuller, Stephen Hill, Comfort Hill, William Ingraham, Samuel Jones, Aaron Lyon, John Medbury, John McMullen, Amos Richardson, Ezra Read, Enos Walker, Peter WHITAKER, Joseph Wheaton, John Walker, Peter Walker, Caleb Walker, Ephria WHITAKER, Thomas Cole

[ital Recorsd of Rehoboth by James Arnols 1897]

From the list of the six months men raised to rinforce th Continental Army, in the year 1780, we have the following list of names from Rehoboth. They marched to West Point and served under ContinentalOfficers.

IN THE 11th DIVISION: Peter Bannister, Jonathan Robinson, Comfort Biship, Shubael Peck(fifer), Sylvanus Bishop, Nathan Munro, Job Freeman, Constant Perry, Jacob Ingles, Isaac Bowen, Ephraim Emmerson, Francis Fuller, Athtur Thurber, Nathan Turner, Sergt., Gideon Brown, Samuel ranston, Frances Mesuzen, Samuel Edwards, Joseph Daggett, John Peirce, Thomas Peirce

IN THE 12th DIVISION: Nathan Walker, Samuel Shorey, Remember Carpenter, Jess WHITAKER, Ephraim Read, Obed Robinson, Timothy Titus, Ezra Goff, Benjamin Tripp

IN THE 32d DIVISION: Thomas Campbell, Cato Hunt (nigro), David (nigro), Obadiah Bowen, Spencer Bears, John Hewley, John Mc Lane, Ephraim Bowen, Thomas Carpenter, 2d.

[Vital Records of Rehoboth by James Arnold]

The following is an alphabetical list fo names of those who enlisted into the Continental Army from Rehoboth, at various periods of the war,with the names of the captions, under whom they served, and the time for which they enlisted. This list is taken from the alphabetical list of enlistments for the Continental Army from various towns and various periods.

BARNEY, Nathaniel, Capt. Slade, Time 3 years: BROWN, Benjamin, Capt. Slade, Time during the war: BLISS, Samuel, Capt. Slade, Time 3 years: BLISS, Allen, Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: BLISS, Samuel, Jr., Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: BLISS, Joshua, Capt. Cole, Tine 3 years: BROWN, Daniel, Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: BULLOCK, Comfort, Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: BULLOCK, Jacob, Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: BUFFINGTON, Benjamin, Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: BULLOCK, David, Capt. Cole, Time 15 months: BULOCK, Jonathan, Capt. Cole, Time 15 months: BYL, James, Capt. Carpenter, Time 3 years: BURN, Moses, Capt. Carpenter, Time 3 years: BICKNELL, Turner, Capt. Carpenter, Time 3 year: BARNEY, Paul, Capt. Carpenter, Time 3 years: BLISS, Elisha, Capt. Martin, Time 3 years: BLISS, David, Capt. Martin, Time 3 years: BAKER, Samuel, Capt. Martin, Time 3 years: BISHOP, Oliver, Capt. Hull, Time 3 years: BOWEN, Isaac, Capt. Hull, Time 3 years: BOWEN, Thomas, Capt. Hull, Time 8 months: CARPENTER, John, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: COLE, Isaac, Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: COLE, Jacob, Catp. Cole, Time 3 years: COLE, James, Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: COLE, Zephaniah, Capt. Bullock, Time 15 months CAMPBELL, Thomas, Capt. Carpenter, Time 3 years: CHAFFEE, Shubeal, Capt. Carpenter, Time during war: CHAFFEE, Comfort, Capt. Carpenter, Time 3 years: CHAFFEE, Noah, Capt. Carpenter, Time 3 years: CARPENTER, William, Capt. Carpenter, Time 3 years: CORPS, John, Capt. Carpenter, Time 3 years: DYER, Iserael, Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: DYER, Jonathan, Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: DELAND, Edward, Capt. Carpenter, Time 3 years: FRANKLIN, William, Capt. Carpenter, Time during war: FULLER, Amos, Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: FAIRBROTHER, Richard, Capt. Carpenter, Time 3 years: GLADDING, James, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: GLADDING, James, Jr., Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: GLADDING, Ebenezer, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: GOFF, Israel, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: GREENWOOD, Thomas, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: HORTON, William, Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: HICKS, Chase, Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: HINDEL, John, Capt. Carpenter, Time during war: HILL, Stephen, Capt. Hill, Time 3 years: INGALLS, Joseph, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: IDE, Nathan, Capt. Carpenter, Time 3 years: JONES, John, Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: LEWIS, Levi, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: LYNDLEY, John, Jr., Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: LYON, Aaron, Capt. Martin, Time 3 years: MEDBURY, Benjamin, Capt. Frankline, Time 3 years: MITCHELL, ------, Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: McMULLEN, John, Capt. Hill, Time 3 years: NEWTON, Francis, Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: NEWTON, John, Capt. Martin, Time 3 years: ORMSBEE, Joseph, Capt. Martin, Time 3 years: PECK, Sylvester, Capt. Hix, Time 8 months: PERRY, Samuel, Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: PEIRCE, Jessc, Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: PECK, Gaine, Capt. Carpenter, Time during war: PERRY, Jesse, Capt. Carpenter, Time during war: PEARCE, Philip, Capt. Martin, Time during war: PERRY, Samuel, Capt. Hill, Time 8 months: ROUND, John, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: ROUND, Isaace, Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: ROUND, Willam, Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: ROUND, Otis, Capt. Martin, Time 3 years: RENOUGH, Charles, Capt. Hill, Time 3 years: RYEL, Nicholas, Capt. Hill, Time 3 years: REVES, Pompey, Capt. Hill, Time 3 years: SMITH, ----- Capt. Peck, Time 3 years: SANDERS, Jesse, Capt. Peck, Time 3 years: SMITH, Sam, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: SAGE, James, Capt. Cole, Time 3 years: TURNER, Constant, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: TURNER, Amos, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: TURNER, Nat, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: THREASHER, Noah, Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: THREASHER, Joseph, Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: THOMPSON, Edward, Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: THRESHER, Charles, Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: TURNER, Allen, Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: TRUE, Solomen, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: WHITTAKER, Nat, Capt. Frankline, Time 2 years: WHEELER, Sam, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: WHEELER, Jesse, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: WILLMARTH, Valentine, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: WILLMARTH, Benjamin, Capt. Hix, Time 8 months: WALDRON, James. Jr., Capt. Bullock, Time 3 years: WHITTAKER, Jo, Capt. Carpenter, Time 3 years: WHEELER, James, Capt. Martin, Time 3 years: WHELEN, Luther, Capt. Bullock, Time 15 months: WHITE, Jabez, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: WALKER, Nathan, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: WILFORD, Nicholas, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: WEEKS, Moses, Capt. Hix, Time during war: WILSON, John, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years: WHITTAKER, Rufus, Capt. Hix, Time 3 years:

Samuel BLISS,in the above list was afterwards Captain and he was General Washington's steward at Morristown, in the winter of 1777.

[Vital Reords of Rehoboth by James Arnold]

Please help me identify Richard's descendants who served by sending their Names Dates of Birth, Death, Place of Birth, name of spouse(s), and Names of Parents, to me and I will include your data in the next update of the sight.

Abel WHITAKER: (1756-1841) Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts; s/o Richard and Patience (Bowen) WHITAKER

Pvt., Capt.Nathaniel Carpenter's Co., Col. Thomas Carpenter's Reg., stationed at "Obik New Town" for 1 month, dated July 20, 1777; also Private, Capt. Nathainal Ide's Co., Col. Carpenter's; Enlisted: Aug 13 1779; Discharged: Sep 12 1779; served 1 month; Travel allowed service at Rhode Island for 4 weeks in a regment Capt. Samuel Fuller

Source: 1.)Index to Revolutionary War Pension Applications in the Natrional Arvhives - Bicentonial Edition 1976 -S30793; 2.)In The War of The Revolation pg. 21

Submitter: Rea Benner

Amos WHITAKER: (1761-1843) Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts; Spouse:(1) Patience Bowen m 9 oct 1788 Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts; (2) Ester Ralph m 24 Feb 1813; s/o Richard & Patience (Bowen) WHITAKER

1.) Private, Capt.Isreal Hix's Co., Josiah Whitney's Regt.; entered service July 30, 1778; discharged Sept 10, 1778; served 1 mon. 13 dayson expedition to Rhode Island;company raised in Bristol County.

2.) also Capt. Joseph Willmar's (Willmarth's) Co., Col. John Hathway's Regt.; entered service March 14 1779; discharged April 12, 1779; served 30 days, at Howland's Ferry.

3.) also Capt. Nathaniel Ide's Co., Col Carpenters's Redg.; enlisted Aug13 1779; discharged Sept 12, 1779; served 1 month; travel allowed tp and from camp at Providence; company detached from milita to serve at Rhode Island for 4 weeks in a regiment under Capt. SamuelFisher.

Source: 1.) DAR Patriots Index - Centennial Edition (1990) - Part 3; page 3176; 4.) Index of Revolutionary War Pensions Applications in The National Archives Bicenteniol Edition (1976); 3.) Index of The Rolls of Honor - vol 121 - page 39; 4.) In The War of The Revolition - page 21; 5.) General Service Adminstration - National Archive and Record Service; a.) Pension File

Submitter: Rea Benner

Ephriam WHITAKER: (1755-1846) Dighton, Massachusetts; spouse: Hannah Stevenson; s/o Philip & Tabitha (Joy) WHITAKER

Private under Capt. John Perry in Col. Timothy Walkers (22nd.) Regiment ; enlisted Aig 1st. 1775; served 3 mon s., 1 week, 1 day.

Also, company return dated Oct. 6 1775.

Also, order for bountycoat dated Camp Roxry, Oct. 26, 1775.

Also, Private, Capt. James Hill's co., Col. William's Regt.; served from Sept.29, 1777, at Triverton; reported enlisted out Oct. 9, 1777 (ess Ephriam Whitan).

Also , Capt. Icabod Wade's (light Infantry) Co. , Col George Williams Regt.; served 21 days; company stationed at Tiverton Oct. 7, 1777.

Note: I also found a referance to a Ephraim WHITAKER as fa;;owes: List of men appearing under tje heading "Hattwell Book the first Everidge; "said Whitaker appeares among men in service at Ticonderoga in 1776".

Source: 1.) DAR Patriot Index - Part 3 - Page 3176; 2.) Index to Revolutionary War Pension Applications - page 622; 3.)DAR Lineage Book - Vol. 7; page 130 & 131; file #6390; Vol. 10; page 290 & 291; file #9821; Vol. 152; page 160; file #151501; Vol. 152; page 162; file #151510; 4.) Vital Records of Rehoboth, Soldiers of The Revolution, page 923, by Arnold

Submitter: Rea Benner

Ezra WHITAKER: (1755-1822) Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts; spouse: Mary Wells; s/o Daniel & Hannah (Scarborough) WHITAKER

Source: 1.) DAR Patroat Index

Submitter: Rea Benner

Jess WHITAKER: Source: Submitter:

Levi WHITAKER: (1825-1864) Ashford, Windham, Connecticut; spouce 1.) Sarah Jane ----; 2.) Susan Maria Shrtleff; s/o Cyrel and Alinna WHITAKER

Womded at Antietam; Died Andersonville Prison

Source: Whitaker News and Information; 1.)Carol Day; 2.) Al Whitaker, 18 Mar 2000


Nathaniel WHITAKER: (1728/29-....) Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts; Spouse Mary Stone; s/o John and Mary (Bliss) Whitaker

Providence, R.I.; Capt. in George Gouls's Co., Col Paul Sergeant's (28th.) Reg.; order for bounty coat or its equivalent in mont dated Cambridge, Dec. 16, 1775.

Also, descriptive list of men mustered for Continental service subequent to Sept. 16 [year not given] by James Leonard, Muster from Bristol Co.; Capt Jonathan Down's Co., Col. Dea's )Lee's) Reg.; age 48 yr.; staure 5 ft. 7 in.; engaged for townof Rehoboth.

Also, Private, Lieut. Colonel's Co., Col Henry Jacksons (16th) Regt.; Coninental Aemy pay account for service from Oct. 27, 1777 to Oct. 27 1780.

Also, Lieut. Mel L. Wollsey's Co., Col Henry Jackson's Regt. Comanded by Lieut. Col William S. Smith; pay rolls for Oct., Nov.,and Dec. 1778. Also, Lieut. Col. David Cobb's (2nd) Co., Col Jacksons Regt.:muster roll for April 1779, dated Pawtwxet; enlisted Nov. 1, 1777: enlistment 3 years; reported on comand at Newton.

Also, same Co., and Regt; pay roll for July and Oct. 1779.

Also, Lieut Colenel's Co., Col Jaclson's Regt; regimental returnand up top Dec 31, 1779, dated Camp Providence.

Also, Return certified at Camp near Morristown, April 30 1780, of offiicers and men belonging to Col. Haley's and Col. Jackson's Regts. and belonging to Massachusetts in Col. Henery Sheburen's Regt., who were incprpeated into a regiment under the command of Col. Henry Jackson, agreeable to thed arrangement of April 9, 1779; Lieut. Colonel's Co. rank Private; residence Providence, R.I.; engaged from town of Rehoboth; engaged Oct 27, 1777; term, 3 years; family of said Whitaker reported as at Providence, R.I.

Also, Lieut, Col. Cobb's Co., Col Jackson's Regt.; pay roll for May, June, and July 1780; reported sick and absent on roll for June and July, 1780. Source; In The War of The Revulition pg. 23, of the Vitol Records of Rehoboth, by James Arnold Submitter:

Noah WHITAKER: (1746-....) Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts;Spouce one listed; s/o Daniell Whitaker Jr. and Hannah Scarborough

Private, Capt. James Hill's Co., Col Dagget's Regt.; copy of the list of men stationed at Bristol for 3 months from Dec. 23, 1776;

Also, Corporal, Capt. Joseph Franklin's (Rehoboth) Co., Daggett's Regt.; entered servicer Jan.6, 1778; discharged March23, 1778; 2 mon.24 days; company stationed at Rhode Island for 3 months from Jan 1, 1779.

Source: In The War of the Revolation page 23


Nell WHITAKER: (1765-1832) Killing,,Connecticut; Spouse Mary Polly Pierce; s/o Phillip and Tabitha (Joy) Whitaker

Nell Whitaker (Rev. War) Source: Whitaker News & Information 18 Mar 2000; Christina de Carvajal

Oliver WHITAKER: (1742-....) Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts; Spouse Philena Gay; s/o Israell & Margaret (Foster) WHITAKER

Private, Capt. Elisha May's Co., Col. John Daggett's Regt.; entred service Aug 23, 1778; Discharged Sept. 2, 1778; served, 11 days, at Rhode Island, including travel (2 days) home. Roll sworn to at Attleborough.


Submitter by Rea Benner

Peter WHITAKER: (1753-1843) Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts; Spouse Mary Carpenter; s/o Richard & Patience (Bowen) WHITAKER

Private, Capt. John Perry's Co. of Minute-Men, which served on the alarm of April 19, 1775; served to April 27, 1775, 2 weeks 1 day.

also, Capt. John Perry's Co., Col. Thomas Walker's Regt.; enlisted 8 mom. to the 1st. of August 1775

Source: DAR Index of Revolution War Pension Applications; Vital Records of Rehoboth, Muster Roll, by James Arnold; War of the Revolition

Submitter by Rea Benner

Richard WHITAKER: (1730-1816) Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts; Spouce Patience Bowen; s/o Richard & Ann (Wood) WHITAKER

Private, Lerut Samuel Brown's Co., Col. Thomas Carpenter's Regt., Marchet from Rehoboth to Triverton, R.I., on the alarm of Aug. 1, 1780, and tjere servied under Gen. Heath.



Richard WHITEAKER: Private, Capt. Joseph Franklin's (Rehobath) Co., Col. John Daggett's Regt.; enlisted service Jan 6, 1778; discharged March 31 1778; service 2 mon. 24 days, company stationed at Rhode Island for 3 months from Jan 1, 1778.


Submitter: Rea Benner

Rufus WHITAKER: (1741-....) Rehoboth, Bristoc, Massachusetts; Spouse Debora Cochran; s/o Daniel & Hannah (Scarbough) WHITAKER

Source: Submitter: Rea Benner

William WHITAKER: (1745/46-1832) Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts; Spouse Amy Clemence; s/o Ebenezer & Amey (Carpenter) WHITAKER; Source: DAR Patriot Index - Centennial Edition - 1990; DAR California Ancestry Guide; History of Berkshire County Vol. I Chapter 10 page 192

Submitter: Rea Benner: Sara Whitaker Hale

Zachariah WHITAKER: (1754- ) Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts; s/o Ebenezer and Aney (Carpenter) WHITAKER

Source 1.) Jane Whitaker; 2.) Sara(Whitaker) Hale

Note: For information on other WHITAKER'S who served from various states see the source notes Richard WHITAKER (c.1624-1705) of Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts. Under sub heading Military; DAR