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    The Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology was established in 1989 as a result of the consistent demand       and deists from the Jordanian industrial sectors and market requirements. The Faculty plan was to graduate       competent non classical engineers who are equipped with a good level of theoretical knowledge accompanied       by high level of engineering practical skills through teaching the student a large number of basic and specialized       courses. The great emphasis on the large number
practical laboratory courses, graduation projects and       industrial field training was behind the name of the Faculty "Engineering Technology". The field training must be in       the area of specialty. It constitutes about 16% of the course program of 153 credit required for obtaining
      a B.Sc. degree.

 The Faculty follows the University system which operates on calendar of two academic semesters of 16 weeks       each in addition to an optional summer semester. During the academic year 1996/1997, the total enrollment is       817 students of which 49 had been graduated. In the first semester of 1996/1997 the instructional staff       consistent engineers.

  The Faculty utilizes the University Library which has 265000 volumes in Arabic and foreign languages and       subscribes to 1100 periodicals in various languages. It also holds over 65000 volumes of back issues in       addition to about 12000 other items and materials like microfilms, tapes, slides and maps. The library has       around 6000 books in Engineering of which 4000 books on Electrical Engineering. These books are located in       the Faculty library as well the main University library. Furthermore, there are about 55 periodicals on Electrical       Engineering including IEEE and IEEE Transactions.

 The Faculty is supported by grants from the Scientific Foundation of Hisham Adeeb Hijjawi which totaled in       the establishment year of 1984 in the sum U.S.$ 3 Million. The yearly faculty resources fall in the neighborhood       of US$ 1,400,000.

  There are four departments in the faculty which are :