The Internet
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Up              Electronic Frontier Foundation Blue Ribbon Campaign GIF 49kb

Digital Future Coalition logo (2kb)

Internet Free Expression Alliance GIF 1kb

Global Internet Liberty Campaign logo (6kb)

Frank Zappa circa 1990 (8kb)

Realaudio banner logo (1kb)

Adobe Acrobat Reader banner (1kb)

Netscape Now! banner logo (1kb)

Winzip Logo

'Weasels Ripped my Flesh' LP cover

Not Insane Campaign Button 9kb





It's global! small earth from space photo  2kb Yeah? Duh! No, duh. The internet is transforming the world culturally, economically and politically in ways we don't yet understand, but I feel must be mostly for the good. (Ignorance is a hand-maiden to tyranny.)  Access to information is booming. This is good. Here are my links to internet information in four categories:                             
Ready Reference and Internet Help
Searching the Internet
Downloading Software
Web Page Design and Style                   

Ready Reference and Internet Help
The Internet Public Library - Ready Reference
Internet Public Library - Internet Help  
Internet Library for Librarians - General
Internet Library for Librarians - Internet Tools
My Virtual Reference Desk - Quick Reference  
My Virtual Reference Desk - Internet Help  
Galaxy Einet Reference
The New York Public Library                                    
Quick Reference at the University of Texas
Library of Congress Librarian Help & Services                    
Library of Congress Internet Resources Page
LOC Subject Guide to Internet Resources
The Internet Sleuth
UK-based Info-Connect Directory

Searching the Internet
Remember that all search engines have (usually) well written explanations about how to use them; for example: can you use truncation?, do Boolean searches work? Can you use + or - before a word or do you need to use Boolean operators- AND, OR, NOT and NEAR?  Most search engines have an advanced or supersearch option which can make searching more controlled and effective. There is usually a seperate help page for this advanced search.
     These are the search engines I recommend in order of my preference, from most favored and used, to least (but all are quite good).         HotBot   (for HotBot SuperSearch, click on "more options" button)     AltaVista  (for AltaVista Advanced search, click "advanced" hyperlink)       Infoseek      Northern Light  (Northern Light is newer, uses folders to store results, and learns about your search as you use it, thus getting more useful data for you over time. Access for a small fee to the contents of over 5400 journals and books not usually available on search engines.)    Excite        Lycos      Magellan  (These last two have reviewed sites which you can search seperately.)
The two meta-search engines (ones that submit a search to many search engines simultaneously) that I like are Dogpile and Highway 61. Highway 61 is more amusing; Dogpile a little better in retrieving useful results.
     For a unique way to browse for search engines by type, you must look at the All-in-one Search Page. Kudos to the webmaster. In the past it has not been updated as often as I'd like, but it is unique and still a great resource.
     There are a lot of ways to search for maps and addresses. I use Webcrawler's map serviceInfoseek has a good map-creator service, too. At Mapquest, get driving directions to anywhere in the U.S.  For telephone white and yellow pages, I use the excellent Switchboard. Infoseek has good white and yellow pages, too. Another good site is BigYellow.
Zip Codes? The U.S. Postal Service delivers.

Downloading Software
If I had a Mac, I would have a somewhat different list of sites to visit, but these sites all offer some Mac software. These sites offer downloads of freeware, shareware and demoware.The biggest Windows software site I know is Winsite. The most entertaining site, smaller but very useful, is Tucows. Their Nantucket server works well for me. The internet giant CNet offers two sites, Shareware.Com and Download.Com. Don't forget that Microsoft, Netscape and Apple offer free software of all kinds for downloading at their sites. And plug-in, or helper software like AdobeAcrobat Reader, Shockwave and RealSystem/RealAudio are free in a basic, stripped-down form from their creator's company sites sites, or from the download sites above, and of course:
Tucows logo wuth two cows 15kb
Tucows did not pay for this banner- I just like it.

Web Page Design and Style
I don't know how much style I have, but there's a wealth of advice out there on the subject. If you want a stylish page, listen up! Indiana University has a good page with links on web design. Also try these web sites
     The Beginner's Guide to HTML
     The Bare Bones Guide to HTML
     Crash Course in HTML for Educators
     The Librarians' Index to the Internet
     Yale C/AIM Internet Style Guide
     Sun Microsystem's Guide to Web Style
     Internet Library for Librarian's Web Page Helpers
     FrontPage98 pages at Microsoft
     Library of Congress Internet Help Page
     My Virtual Reference Desk and The Internet Public Library

Good luck! Remember, be careful out there. It's a wild world web. And, unless you are Tony Stankus, URI GSLIS adjunct professor, and science librarian at the College of the Holy Cross, in Worcester, Massachusetts, who likes the stuff,
I would definitely say: watch out for
A Giant Can of Spam from Hormel (41kb)
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