Coping skills that almost anyone can use
Call a friend
Write poems
Sing a song
Listen to music
Talk to someone
Write in a journal
Play a game
Bounce a ball
Drink a glass of water
Stare at a picture; notice all the details and/or make up a story about it
Throw a foam ball against a vacant wall
Write all your thoughts on an empty sheet of paper
Go online
Write a letter
Play an instrument
Write the lyrics to a favorite/meaningful song
Chew gum
Lay flat on your bed and focus on a point on the ceiling
Coping skills which should not be used if you have OCD
Clean your room
Throw out a deck of cards; pick them up in order
Wash dishes
Coping skills that are not good for EDs
Go for a run
Play your favorite sport
Do some jumping jacks, sit-ups, etc.
Go for a walk
Coping skills that are not good for SM
Snap an elastic on your wrist
Light a candle and watch it melt
Take a hot/cold shower
When you start using these coping skills, you may find it helpful to keep a log. Later you can look at what worked in what situations, and why. It could include:
Warning signs you notice
How you feel before you use the coping skill (thoughts, feelings, urges, etc.)
Why you think you feel the way you do
What coping skill(s) you tried
How you feel afterwards
Urge monitoring (intensity of urges before and after coping skills are employed)
Whether or not you acted on your urges
How you felt before and after acting on urges and why
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