There are a variety of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) that are out there and you are at risk of getting.  It is very difficult to remember the particular symptoms of each, so an easy way to keep yourself protected is to learn these common symptoms that are associated with all STDs in general.  The most important thing to remember, however is to know your body, that way if anything happens that's out of the ordinary, you will know and be able to get treated.


*Common Symptoms*

*Itches *Boils


*Growths *Warts *Puss
*Burning *Tenderness *Swelling *Blisters *Ulcers *Sores
*Smelly Discharge *Urine Change *Yeast Infections *Menstrual Irregularities *Pain During Intercourse *Abnormal Discharge


There are two types of STDs; viral and bacterial.  Bacterial STDs are curable in comparison to viral STDs which are not.  Viral STDs can be treated but never cured.  The virus will always be in your body because it lives in the body fluids.  This means that you do not necessarily have to be showing symptoms to transmit the STD.  Examples of viral STDs are HIV, Herpes, Ghonnorhea, and Chlamydia.  But as we've said before....