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  1. When entering and leaving the dojo, students bow in the direction of the Shomen. This is a tradition of showing respect.
  2. Shoes are never to be worn on mat. When approaching the mat, students bow respectfully to the Shomen.
  3. There is to be no disrespectful activity (no horseplay before or after class).
  4. It is recommended that students should assemble quietly at least five minutes before the class is scheduled to start. It is recommended that all students either kneel (sit seiza) in meditation or begin warming up and await the instructor's arrival on the mat. Meditation calms the mind, and it is desirable that everyone, students and spectators alike, in the dojo be silent during meditation. If class is in session remain out of the way.
  5. When the instructor comes onto the mat, he and the students bow to the Shomen. The students then bow to the instructor, formally opening the class.
  6. It is proper to ask the instructor for permission to practice when arriving late for class, or for permission to leave early.
  7. Students should never sit on the mat with their backs to the kamiza, nor should they pass between the instructor and the kamiza.
  8. When approaching the instructor on the mat, whether you ask him or he calls you, bow first and at the end. Never yell out 'Sensei' and/or beckon for instruction -go up to him or her and bow.
  9. Once engaged in the practice of Aikido, clear your mind of everything but the lessons given and the principles of Aikido. Practice with unity of mind and body.
  10. When the instructor is teaching a couple, it is not necessary for others to sit down and watch unless he says to. It is preferable to keep practicing.
  11. Your partner is not an opponent. Learn to be a good uke. Techniques are learned through him/her and with him/her. It should be a pleasure to be thrown as well as to throw.
  12. When changing partners during class, you should acknowledge both the partner you are leaving as well as your new partner with a bow.
  13. Care should be taken to be aware of the ability of your partner so that no injuries occur.
  14. At the end of class, the instructor and students bow to O-Sensei's picture, then the students bow to the instructor and to each other.
  15. A few DON'TS: lie on the mat, lean against the walls and mirrors, sit with your legs stretched out, wear rings or watches, chew gum, have long finger and toenails, or wear dirty or torn keiko gis.
  16. Any injuries should be reported to the instructor.
  17. Keep in mind that DOJO refers not only to the mat, but to the entire area inside the building. Maintaining quiet and practicing courtesy in the dojo pertains to all areas in the building.
  18. When observing class, spectators should remain quiet out of respect for the instructor and practicing students.

written by Donald. L. Clark

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