Raistlin's Homepage

I read a lot of books, but the best books I have ever red is the Dragonlance books, which the name Raistlin comes from. If you would like to know more about Raistlin, just click on the picture.

I am a very big fan of Baldur's Gate, so if you have some portraits, scripts or anything you might not see here please send them on e-mail to me, because I would like to have some good scripts or other cool stuff for Baldur's Gate.

Here are some of my best portraits for Baldur's Gate. If you will use any portraits in Baldur's Gate, you will have to make a new map, which is called Portraits and it should been in Baldur's map. Put any portraits into the map, if it does not work, please contract me. If you will use some of my portraits, just save them on a disk. Portraits

Wanna mail me, just click the mailbox.

I also have music on this page, but it's mostly Metallica I hear, so here is a link to some Metallica's Lyrics, just click on the album cover to read the text.

I also have a link to one of the best sites about Baldur's Gate I have ever seen:

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