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Where We Live

We live in the Ikego Navy Housing Complex, a small collection of high-rise apartments and town houses located 5.2 miles from the main base in Yokosuka. The drive can take anywhere from 25 minutes to an hour, depending on the traffic. During the morning commute, the kids take school buses and Jeff drives a car or rides his bike. The bike is five minutes faster. Ikego is located in the town of Zushi, between Yokosuka and Kamakura. It is really a nice place to live. The picture above shows parts of Zushi, Ikego, and Kamakura in the background, as taken from Takatoriyama (Mt Takatori), a small hill we climbed Thanksgiving weekend.

Here is what the townhouse clusters basically look like from the outside. Everyone has a small fenced in yard. That would be Bridget's space.

Here are pictures of two rooms downstairs - our living room and our dining room. Both are actually the same room. In honor of Jim and Vicki Melson, we are thinking about moving all of the furniture from both of those rooms into the kitchen. Just like Vienna.

Here are the other two rooms downstairs - the family room/laundry room, and the kitchen. The family room (look - that's what it says on the plans) is where we keep the computer and do homework.
There are no pictures of the bedrooms - we couldn't get in the rooms far enough to take pictures. But trust us - they are all spacious, neat, and clean.

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