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My trip to James House
The Trip to James!

On June 18th, 2000 Will, Robert and I, all got into his mom's car and headed North to James house. I was so excited! One of the moments Ive been waiting for! Almost a year, so it seems.. has been a very long wait to meet one of the most important people to me, my "Brother" James! I brought my camera in hopes of getting a picture, which I did, and I took some of my trip. most of it is sky, but there is some of the road as well, plus the sunset we watched while standing around outside talking. Meeting him totally made my day complete.. finally getting a real hug, a real laugh, a real smile.. That day I will forever keep in my memory.I love you James, my big bro, one of the many people I look up to.
Below are the links to the pictures I took on the trip and one of James and myself

James and myself

The trip up
More of the trip
Even More of the trip
Yes, this is still more of the trip
The last picture of the trip, its Two hours or so for God's sake!
The Sunset we watched

I hope that you enjoyed the pictures!
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