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Our scene opens to the FBI building in Washington DC.The camera pans out to show the size of the building. Several agents stand watch at the buildings front entrence. A long black stretch limo pulls up to the curb.Two agents walk up and stand at the curb.The driver gets out and walks to the back of the limo. Opening the door the two agents snap to attention. The great one. "The Rocket" Randy Taylor steps out of the limo. Sporting a grey suit randy salutes the two agents and steps up onto the curb. The two agents escort randy into the building. One of them puts his hand on a panel next to the double doors. The slide open and the three men go inside. The camera zooms in on the doorway entrencewhere the three men are standing. As they walk along a long hallway they stop at a security check point.A agent passes a wand over randy to make sure he isn't carrying anything explosive. Randy holds his arms in the air as the wand passes over. The wand starts to beep. Randy takes his watch off and hands it to the agent who puts it under a xray machine to check for anything. Satisfied that it didn't pose a threat he handed it back to randy. Taking his sunglasses off randy puts them in his pocket. Walking through the doors they slide open and make the sound like that on a star trek episode. As they walk inside the busy room the buzzing of computers can be heard. The two agents lead randy over to another agent.Seeing randy coming he stands up. [IMG][/IMG] Agent James:Hello Mr.Taylor. Welcome to the FBI. We have a link already set up for you to view. We were about to exicute the search warrent. However we were waiting for your arrival. Please have a seat. Randy sits down and the two agents who brought him in stand behind to guarding him. Agent james enters several commands into his computer and a large screen monitor comes down from the ceiling. A picture of mad dawgs house comes up on the screen. Several agents dressed in combast uniforms and carrying heavy assualt rifles are taking up their positions.Agent James looks over at randy and nods. Agent James:Several of the agents are wearing cameras in their helmets so that you can view the search as they go along. Are you ready Mr.Taylor? Randy leans forward and pressesa button. Randy:Go ahead move out. [IMG][/IMG] The agents make their move and storm the house. Busting down the door they go in to clear the area. Randy leans forward and watches. A evil grin is upon his face. A comotion behind him makes him turn his head. Two FBI agents are trying to subdue Alex Oldman. Randy shakes his head. Motioning for them to bring him forward randy turns in his chair. Alex straightens his jacket. Randy temples his fingers together and waits for alex to speak. Alex:Randy what the hell are you doing? The FBI has better things to do then waste their time busting in mad dawgs home. And for that matter how the hell did yo get the FBI do this in the first place? Asks alex as he does his tie back up. Taking his notepad out he waits to write down what randy has to say. Randy:First off oldman this is all off the record okay? Alex puts his notepad down. Alex:Alright off the record then. Randy:Since this whole thing with mad dawg started I knew there was something he was hiding. Why else would he cheap shot me over and over again. Why would he run like the little school girl that he is whenever I show up. Why else would he be scared to show his ugly face when I am in the same building as him. I'll tell you why alex. It's because he fears me. He knows that there is no way that he can beat me. Sure he got a few good licks in but he has never and I mean NEVER pinned my shoulders to the mat. And he never will. Take a seat alex. I've got work to do. Alex sits down and watches in horror as mad dawgs house is torn apart.Books computer parts go flying out the windows. Agents take everything they can out of the house. Suddenly several agents come up from the back of the house carrying what look to be pot plants. Fully grown and worth a lot of money. Randy grinis evily as he watches this unfold. Alex just shakes his head. Randy:I knew it. I knew that stupid N***gger was hiding stuff.It was only a matter of time before..... Randy stares at the screen. Several agents are holding pictures of randy. They have dart holes in them. One of them has been spray painting and makes it look like randy is puffing on a blunt. Randy's face goes red with rage. Standing up he storms off. The two agents and alex rush off to follow him. Randy storms down the hallway and outside. A gww cameraman is waiting. Holding the camera up he focuses on randy. Randy sees the camera and grabs it and puts his face right into the lens. Randy:Mad dawg I know your out there. Listen to me. I'm going to make it my personal mission to destroy you. You have no right to destroy my picture. You are nothing to me. You are like the scum on the bottom of lake. Only your not the scum your so far below the scum that you can't see it. You are never going to be like me. There is only one Randy Taylor you are nothing more then a wannbe wrestler who takes for granted that there are people like me out in this world who can actually wrestle.This is no longer a game mad dawg this personal.The time has come for you to know who the master is in this little dance of ours. I'm going to beat you so bad your going to wish you were back at the projects. Alex comes running up from behind. Grabbing randy he pushes him into his limo. Slamming the door shut alex tells the driver to go. The limo speeds off towards randy's house. Randy is sweating. Pouring himself a rum and coke he slam it back. Shaking his head as the alcohol hits his system. Alex throws randy a towel. Alex:Listen randy you've got to calm down and stop letting mad dawg get to you. That's what he wants. All the name calling between you two is starting to look like a fight in a preschooler. I do have some questions and a dvd promo from mad dawg. Randy? Randy:Listen alex.Right now I'm not in the mood for questions. But seeing how your already here and chances are you won't go away till I give you what you want ask your stupid questions.
