Tethered Thinker...
||| Urban 75 ||| Grant Morrison ||| Unsgnd ||| Sunny Govan ||| Mail moi! ||| ||| Disinfo |||
he swims in my blood. upon waking, upon dreaming. he sleeps in my bed, restful in my love for him. he holds me to him, upon thought upon deed. i yield to his touch, grateful for each brief embrace. I dream on of him, upon seeing, upon touching. he sleeps in my bed, i rest in my love for him.

So the capitalist season is upon us again! Well it'll be me, some chinese food, jack daniels and my best mate and some porn! Merry Christmas!

Being on the radio station is pretty cool - (mondays at 9pm brit time! WWW.UNSGND.COM) - just wish more people could hear it! So recommend me to all your friends :)

If you fancy telling me how wonderful i am or even what a pile o crap this page is - sign me guest book!

just scanned a really old pic of me when i was 18 onto the site - sorry!

You can't outrun death but you can sure make the bastard work for it!!

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Bug Me!get this gear!

Things I think about...

1. My friends :)

2. Where my next jack and coke is coming from!

3. Is James Marsters really 41?

4. Chocolate

5. If I can drink my own body weight in jack for xmas?

6. Is TJ Hooker a good name for my hamster?

7. Chocolate

8. Why guys keep adjusting themselves in public - it's not gonna fall off ya know!!

9. If my and my best mate are ever gonna have a hand shaped mansion (i'm gonna live in the thumb)?

10. If anyone listens to me show?