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Good day all. This is my site. It consists of my interests and hobbies. I work on it in my spare time. With being in college and working i don't have alot of. I will also link to info on important issues. This is the update page. I will try and update once a week. But I can't promise anything. The links are to the left so surf away.
All right. Here are a couple of links to other areas. Not many right now but it will grow. Hope you find what you need.

This site is for ANIME! fans. Well to a certain extent. The animation series on here are the ones I watch and enjoy. Well when I have the time.

Here is the STORY! that I am writing. It is not long as of now. But it will get there. Feel free to read it. But I do ask you to please not pass it off as your own. The pronunciation page is now up and running. Enjoy!