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New Page 1

This template is designed specifically for FrontPage 2000, 2002 and 2003. However, the template DOES NOT use a theme. We have used an external style sheet which defines the links, bullets, and more.

If you are new to FrontPage, these pages will explain some of the features we use within our template packages. This template contains ten pages to help get you started.

Templates make it easy for you to get your web site up and running quickly. For more details, please view the Template Info page.

You should preview this web in a browser and read through the pages before changing the content. Each page contains specific information to help you work with the web template.  We also supply numerous tips, hints, and instructions.

Next, look through the pages in this web template and decide which ones you want to keep and which ones you want to delete. Please note that you can rename pages instead of deleting them. You can create new pages by copying any page contained in the template. After getting a good idea of what you want the navigation structure to look like, go through the process of organizing and changing the navigation view.

Finally, change the content on your pages and publish your web.