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My Thank u's


~ Personal Thank u's ~

  • A big thank u 2 Gareth becoz without him life would
    not be possible (he told me 2 put that :p) he is our
    lord jesus savoir amen (I added that bit) but
    seriously I owe a lot 2 that boy, he puts up with
    the most shit from me, hes like my guardian angel
    or something, I love him more than he realises
    ~touching moment~ *hugs him tightly, wipes tear*

  • Another big thank u 2 Jason a.k.a. Munky
    (and his girfriend 2 just coz shes cute ;) )
    coz he puts up with my moaning constantly 2,
    hes a good friend and a kool guy

  • Thank u 2 George coz he does a lot 4 me and hes
    a real good friend and always tries 2 make me smile

  • Huge thank u 2 Mary-Laura/Miss L 4 being my
    babygirl and my best friend for so many years now,
    I love u beyond words <3

  • Thank u 2 Kate 4 being a close friend and a huge
    inspiration and influence on my life from day one,
    I am that suicidal bitch I am 2day becoz of u lol <3

  • ~Silent Thank u~ 2 my soulmate and friend 4 life Matthew
    my love 4 u has never left and will always remain,
    I miss u so much, I wish we could talk like we used 2 <3
    (he's not dead btw)

  • Big thank u 2 Sethy ~Adam~ 4 being an amazing person
    and friend, u've never lost faith in me <3

  • My College/Uni bitches, coz u're all mad and I love u
    4 making my educational years more fun than a
    day in the Duffy Manor p.s. Daffodils

  • Thank u 2 my mom and dad, just coz ure u and
    drive me insane, I love u more than life
    (ure like the fucking Osbournes!)

  • Thank u 2 Andrew 4 all those fun 'guitar lessons'
    I learnt so much lol ah I miss those days Adz

  • Thank u 2 Benjamin 4 constantly driving me insane
    I hope some day u'll learn 6am is NOT a decent
    time 2 text someone! I shall miss u tons while ure
    away but will regain my sanity in the process :p

  • Thank u 2 Jason a.k.a. J-Dogg 4 being a sweet and
    strange guy that knows how 2 make a person feel
    special and loved, u're one 'uber' kool guy

  • Thank u 2 Ian ~ Killah 4 keeping me sane and being
    there 4 his Nigz we've had our share of fall outs but I
    still loves ya 4 ever <3

  • Big thank u 2 my puppy (sorry I had 2 get one in)
    4 always stealing my bed and 4 being a cute compainion

    ~Other Thank U's~

  • Big Thank u 2 Steff 4 having such a kool site
    and making awesome layouts!

  • Thank u 2 Love Pucca 4 some of my backgrounds
    and having a cute site thats so neatly laid out!