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Spirited, was what the adults called her when she was a child.
A pain, was what her older brothers called her.
A dazzling beauty, was what she was called by the age of just fifteen.

It was rumored that when she was born, her brothers groaned. They had wanted a younger brother, not a sister! What could one do with a girl anyway? Ah, the folly of youth. They soon learned a little girl can be just as rough and tumble as her older brothers, given the opportunity. And it was with heavy hearts that they said farewell to their sister when she was forced to leave at age five for her own protection.
It was said that her parents looked down in wonder at the crop of silken auburn on their child's head. Such a glorious shade of red, highlights of gold running through the already thick mane. They did all they could to turn her into a little lady, but the child was a born rebel and fought all attempts at keeping her in line. Tangles, tangles everywhere became the natural state of the crop of reddish-gold, and the crimson robes of a warrior caste child were more often than not smudged by grease from one ship or another. But it was her bold nature that would sustain Vi when they sent her away, and that same nature that made her dedicate herself to finding them again.
For nearly twenty years she searched for them, the family who'd wanted so much for her life to be free of cut throats and criminals. Always she ached to be once more along the docks and piers, to gaze upward at the ships, to listen to the shouts of drunken pirates calling to their girls in taverns, and to see her brothers commanding their own vessels as was their right.
Unfortunately, what they say is true...Be careful what you wish for, and you can't ever really come home. Life was not the same, the city run by fools, and her family not at all as she had remembered. Departure taken, she searches elsewhere for her place.
Write to Vivian