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how do you get through this town?

save me save me save me save me

sit me down. we'll speak of sappho and starlets in old movies. white picket fences and the softness in his eyes. you'll tell me what you hear just before it rains and i'll tell you what i suspect. about. eternity.

we would not accuse the other of pretension or dramatics. like cecilia we both have been fourteen year old girls. and we can understand the dreams of a nepal bride.

and then we would begin a collection. 3 chipped teacups. 11 baby pictures in sepia. 2 polka dot dresses. a stileto heel. 45 packages of clove cigarettes. 6 sky blue crayons. 24 brass buttons. 3 daisy chains, one for you, one for me and one for the beauty we meet along the way. 1 seashell in case we stray too far from the ocean. 12 children's storybooks.

and you would distract me through the quiet hours that weigh upon my thoughts and stir the blood in my veins. as the dust and rainwater swells through my heart i'll turn my face from images of temples and brown, barefeet children, billowing clouds and carpets of green, streets full of faces and quiet kitchens. time. for. myself. and only for myself.

i would decide i would never, could never be so selfish. so secluded. so free and i would go back to his kisses and love and his vacuum draw-me-in eyes without fear. without pause. that the dreams of places sun-scorched and windswept would not hold stronger pull than the life we built. build together. or worse still the life. lives. we created together.

love grows so strong. love that swells a heart to aching. love like unknown depths. love like arms that protect you from monsters in the dark. love like sunshine. love like stardust. love like all my favourite words. love like trust.

save me. save me. save me from my wanderlust.
