
Graphic Contest=In Process
Make the best grpahic that has to do with this subject:Basketball. Send them to yummiekandi@hotmail.com with the subject title Graphic Contest Entry oh and tyr to make it flashy, I mean make it look cool^^ N the best graphci sent in will win^^ N will be posted on the updates=D Good Luck^^

Blinkie Contest=In Process
Make blinkies based on like real names like Bianca, or Samantha or whatever, it can also be a saying like Angel, dont send in weird blinkie name like Hjhkjfh I mean no one has those names. The wining blinkies will be on the new blinkie section page^^ Well sam rules as the Graphic Contest and good luck:D

Scrambler=In Process
This is a very fun contest not to mention easy^^ All you have to do is unscramble this and send it to yummiekandi@hotmail.com with the subject the contest title. gisdens

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