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The life of a slow witted man

My Dog
Outside my house
Inside my house
home theatre
Antoine Walker
The redsox lineup 2002
Cancer facility in New hampshire i went to

Random thoughts

Howard stern should be called 'Coward stern' Anna Nicole Smith should be called 'Jill Dirt'

Conan obrien is funny
Jay leno is a bitch

I watch espn news alot. My favorite guy is Kieth russel. The funniest part that someone does is during the intro they say..Hey now!.. its funny you have to hear it.

Btw distributes adware if you go to their site. To get rid of it install adware @ After that go to interent privacy options and set it to prompt when you get a third party cookie. This will let you block adware under your discresion(sp?).

Seinfeld is the greatest show ever. Some good lines: Ahoy Eldridge!, Ill see you in hell costanza, The last thing this guy is qualified for is a reality tour.

Wild on on E! is a worthless show. My brother Jed pointed out that every show is exactly the same. Example: "we're here at the hottest spot in xxx, its really kickin in xxx, now lets see what art mann is doing" "well brooke im here in the historic portion of xxx...any way when the sun goes down~..its party time

I have a good computer i suggest when it is time for a new computer to build one. Its really horribly easy and there r guides on the internet(too lazy to go look for you sorry). Another thing thats cool to get into which i have is a hd theatre(pitcures included). Once youve seen an high definition picture there is no reason not to love it. Hopefully when i get a job i will save up some money and get a digital projector. Theres a sweet one from panasonic for around 2000 bucks. Its an expensive hobby if you didnt guess.
Days 'til the football season starts

Days 'til Christmas!!!

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Core magazine; good for videogame news
Newegg is great for computer related shopping
The authority for audiophiles
Yahoo shopping, cheap prices but be careful because some of the sites arent trustworthy
Looking for audio and video equipment reviews...