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Bleh, I refuse to go downtown for the rest of the week as there are too many people and that would mean total insanity for me. Thus, I am forced to become a mallrat and walk amongst the "cool" people who I'd like to kick in the face. HISS! But with World Youth Day come many strange occurences such as seeing 50+ people at one bus stop or wandering the streets at 12AM in a usually dead town. It's probably just me but I think its weird just like you, that's right.

Soooo last night, it occured to me that university is fast approaching and I don't like that one bit. If you asked me "Are you excited about uni?" three weeks ago I would have said "YES!!!" followed by an extended period of hissing and rawring but now it's an entirely different situation. I've even had crazy dreams about leaving in which I woke up very...very...very upset.

Bleh. I hate the mall.

Bleh. I hate the heat.

Bleh. I hate the thought of change.

Wasaga 06/25/02 - 06/28/02

It's Mr. Dot-com from Econ keeping an eye on the visitors because he's out of work and lonely.