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lyncs NeoHelp


Need Help in Neopia?? Well here you go. This is just a little thing I put together to mainly help out those players that are NEW to Neopia and to NeoPets.

More will be added soon.
Sorry about the advertizments...I hate them!
I will be getting my very OWN web site, thanks to my hubby (love ya huney), and it will NOT have pop-ups OR ads at all...yippee!!!

Click on the Wish Faerie to make a Wish:


Qualities of Good Guild Members
-Are helpful to the guild with their comments/suggestions.
-Have donated lots of np/items to the guild.
-Have referred a lot of people.
-Have consistently aided guild members.


DEFINITION OF GUILD:Guilds are special interest clubs that you can create/join to meet other players with similar likes and dislikes. You can organize giveaways, find new friends and chat about your favorite things .