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friday, 6.10.03 site changing to don't really know how to make the site better so got help from albert

friday, 6.03.03 Summer Break If you have a quick cam thing, you could netmeeting me anytime you see me online if not my ipaddress is Well School's finally out and i got to spend another months in iowa city with nina. Most of the chinese friends like jennie are moving away and my other sis going to china so this one months is gonna be incredibly boring especially no ride to go anywhere but i can still call neil for anything. Well after the school's over, the only thing that keep on my mind was how my grade's gonna turn out. i"m thinking English-A Math-A+ World History Turning Point-A French-A- City High Singers- not sure maybe A Biology-B hopefully i will get 3.83333 but if i don't, that would just pissed me off. I'm not sure if i deserve an A in english maybe a B+(92 is a A-, 88 to 91 is a B+), the teacher add extra six points to me because he think i did most of the work which i did. I'm gonna be leaving iowa city on july 5th, a lot of people ask me if i wanted to move, on the last few days. I don't really know the answer to that, a part of me wants to stay because i've used to this environment(boring,silenced) and i hate to start a new life(meeting new friends, getting used to this environment) and another parts of me wanted to live in a environment with excitement(exciting, fun, and a lot of people) besides two more years till i graduate then i'll go to some new jersey college or University of New YOrk.Tiffany thinks that it would be great to live in a new place with all of this excitement and i answer her that it would be kind of nice and there would be a lot of places where i would be taking my date to for example six flags which is pretty closed to where i lived. Maybe it would be nice and i shouldn't have worried at all.

monday, 6.02.03 A Busy Weekend well, two more days of school left. This weekend has been incredibly busy. I've been home only at night. Friday night-going to Nick's birthday party. I had a good time there, and it's good that there were a lot of people there because i like a place being crowded. I call Cindy to pick me up at 10:30, it took about 15 minutes on the phone to find out where nick lived. She kill the car two times on the road because she's just getting used to the stick shift(lol.) and she was pissed at me cause she got lost on the road on the way home. she gets nervous whenever she get lost.When we got home, everything is fine again. She got this habit of like to hit my butt all the time ( i don't hate it even though i said "it's not for free" everytime she hit it) , i'm really gonna miss those when she leave on wednesday, she seems to be the only one that can make the tears start to come out of my eye by tickleing me. When coming home a lot of asian friends come here playing with firecrackers outside and fireworks and rented a movie to watch. Saturday-I woke up at 7.a.m recording some shit on t.v then sleep and wake up at 1a.m. First thing to do was going to K-mart with nina to buy some stuff. Then came back and went to albert's house for sleepover. We play Yugioh card which was kind of fun and play games. Sunday-I woke up early and left early to go to Nina's graduation, we sit there and wait until they call nina chen and we just started to shout and yelled then we left. We went to barbecued in Eddie's house, foods are great and we just chill, eat, and talk. Came home at 9p.m.

thursday, 5.15.03 it has been two months since the last time i updated. A lot of things had happen during these two months like i'm starting to talk to nicole again (my ex), she still call me by my old nickname in seventh grade which is chunky, maybe she still have feelings for me or something whatsoever. Other things included everytime i got online and saw nick online, he wrote over and we start to have a nice conversation then he starts to piss me off by calling me a liar which i never did during our conversation maybe i should start saving down the things we talk about.When the new trimester starts, i really hated the math class, but now i do. It's more fun then third period with all those stupid juniors. I also notice some things when albert is not in my class like doing everything by myself. I found out one thing though, not having same class with albert made me work harder by myself, every time if he's at my class,i just feel like becoming really lazy and half of the times start copying from him. Lately i've been doing minimed stuff in biology and those stuff is crazy , i can't wait until it's over and we start dissecting pigs(hMMMMMMM fun) my partner would be disgusted though heh. With my social life, i feel like this girl from turning point class likes me, and of course i like her too. Sometimes i wonder if i can drive and have a car and a job, i would be asking many girls out and be a playa. (note to self, when moving to new jersey, first thing to do is working in the restaurant and a license and get a car.)

sunday, 3.09.03 Right now , i am having asleep over in albert's place, it is great kind of like old times you know with people playing games, i said something maybe i shouldn't have said. Last night , i notice a thing i couln't believe, i ask neil if he is still a virgin and he answer no. I felted weirdly i mean he's always been the nice type of guy. The first two days of my new tri. is horrible. The counselor messed up my scheldule and i can't take drivers ed. which is really bad because i need a class that i can get credit in and waste time. Albert had been asking me to take with me but i don't really want to spend an hour or two after school , i guess i'm just too lazy.

thursday, 2.20.03 It's has almost been about two months that i haven't update my site. a lot of things has been going on like going to neil's place almost every week and less in albert's place which is good since he pisses me off couple of times and started writing bad stuff about me in his site and who knows when or what he's gonna write next about me but you know i don't really give a **** about it. He had changed in to a sei fui zhi, if you don't know what that mean, go check a chinese dictionary. I guess i might have do something like asking for help too many times, i missed out the part that he got his own assignment to do, well it's not really my problem, it's the stupid teachers who keep hanging out essay homeworks and need grammars check and everything so i had to go to him since he is good at it. I'll try not to asking for help as much anymore i guess. anyway, at school, not much has been happening besides emily hesseltine keep showing her legs,bellybuttons,and tattoos. i have no idea how i get to sit with her for the last 3 tri including last year. She had changed a lot though, she don't ask for my paper at least cause she know i'll get mad at her so instead she look at JOey and Nick.Heh Heh. Joey had a new target to hate which is the girl that sit behind me (forgot her name)chelsea or something, she probably smoke weed everyday, she definitely need to go see a dentist and clean out her teeth, it's like goat shit (which i had never seen before) it's worse then gold bling bling teeth. World History Ideas teacher use to be good, now she kind of yell a lot because we don't understand the stuff we are doing (weirdo) actually that's not very nice!!!!!:)if she saw this, she might actually get me a F grade or something heh. i might actually get straght A this tri. i do believe in myself and other smart a**es. I think maybe it's time that i got a girlfriend now or maybe i should wait until i moved to New Jersey since there are a lot of chinese girls there. I don't really want to go out with a white girl cause all they wanted is to kiss (even though i enjoyed it and only done it once) or something more like sex(not ready for that.) In French class, i met a new friend (allen) pretty funny guy when you speak chinese with him. My French has gotten pretty good lately, regarder and ecouter!!!!!!!! screw it, francais n'est pas le shit!!!!!! i Just burn the 50 cent CD with a very good sound, "i don't know what you heard about me, but a bitch can't get a dollar out of me,no cadillac, no perms you can't see, that i'm a muthafuqqing P.I.M.P." If you want this cd, talk to me and i might get you a free cd depends on who you are. Just kidding!!!!!!! i already gave out 4 already and i can only get out one more. Time's wasting. TTYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aight Peace

sunday, 12.28.03 it's been almost a month and everybody started a new year. I've been hanging out most of the times during this past month and still i'm waiting for my sister to get home from china to give me stuff. School is going great today well actually i lie, i've been having this f****** neck pain and back pain at the same time which don't usually happen a lot of time besides that, it's going great. i have been flirting pretty often this past few weeks in science class and other classes and the teacher usuallly gets mad at me.(don't think i would want that to happen if i wanted to get an A) probably going to see national security tonight so catch up with you in a month later.

sunday, 12.28.02 i woke up at a horrible morning today becaue of denny who call wanting to borrow the ddr but i don't have it. christmas break starts at december 21st. My parents had come to Iowa from NY to visit us. they left on monday and gave me $200 bucks. After they left, all i've been doing then is hanging out with mon chinois freres neil,calvin, and mark. we've been to spyder gaming to play cs a lot,goto field house sometimes and just hanging out in Neil's huge house in coralville playing games. We've been going to Chicago yesterday, we left at 7:30 a.m and arrived at 11 a.m then we went to chinatown and go eat breakfast or dim sum. After that, we just shoppping and we went to all those god damn expensive stores like banana republic, structure and you get the idea. (those clothes are too old for me though) i also saw this night robe that cost $1,750 so we freak out and we get the hell out. Few hours later, we were all hungry so we went to the cheesecake factory and we waited for like an hour there. But it was worth it, since the food was fabulous. Then we went home. The time i was not with them is when i was hanging out with some of my sister's friend going out to see lots of movies like lord of the ring 2, maid in manhattan, and other movies. If only i am not shy, and i would have strength to ask some girls out instead of going with them. A week had almost past from winter break and i wish my other sister would get home from china to bring me gifts and stuff that i wanted. Now i got to wonder what i'll do for the next week, i guess i'll do more hanging out with the fellas or maybe see the first girl i see online tonight on my buddy list and ask her out. Also kind of missed albert and his gangstas but i bet they are having the time of life like i am. talk to you next time on monthly news about moi.

wednesday, 11.27.02 2:22 albert had finally updated his site. It looks all different now, the poll thing is pretty cool. i can't wait until the school is over instead of sitting here in school bored as hell. Bell's gonna ring soon. later sunday, 11.17.02 4:00

The sleepover in nicks house on saturday was pretty fun, we do what we normally do which is playing games and chill,more games, and more chills. When it got to 1 a.m and it's like the sleeping time, nick and denny pisses me off cause they keep hitting me on the head with the freaking pillow for no reason. I know that denny does that but i did not know nick do that too. That's why, next time's sleep over is gonna be war time for them. i've been growing a lot of pimples on my face lately, i got to stop eating junk foods. Nick and Albert haven't update their website for almost a month now so if you are reading this. Do update your site. I'm going to the chatroom now , later. friday, 11.15.02 9:32 today is the last day of the first trimester and it's a fun day cause i do not have any homework well besides math cause math is a fruity class!!!!! i was kind of sad saying bye to the teacher since i know i won't have classes with them as teachers. In science class,we were watching Role, Sex, and something else and the teacher put the grade up as we watched the movie!!Lots of people pretend to sharp their pencil but actually they were looking at the grades. I'm especially happy seeing my science grade as B, if it was C, i would be very pissed since i never got a C before maybe on Midterm but never on Final, i can see Joey is pretty pissed about his grade cause hes' getting a C. Then there's this girl in my french class who i barely know have to ask me "is your name pronounced Chan" everytime she saw me.For some reason, i always bump in to her on the hall. she was like looking at me a lot of times in french class and one day when i sit next to her while we were watching people acting out scenes in the restaurant. When i laughed, she just looked at me and laugh too.(kind of weird) heh >.< the bad thing about it is that she look kind of cute but especially tall well maybe like a little bit taller then me. After sixth period end, it's time for me to go home. i had to stand there waiting for the bus while nick wilson just totally abandoned me and walk home by himself. ON a time like that, i really wish that i could drive. I'll write some other times and right now , i just want to enjoy my three day weekend and four day weekend after this week. Laterz Thursday, 11.07.02 5:35 lately has been pretty boring so i didn't write anything about it. I've been doing pretty well with school work lately. heh. i just got done with final fantasy 7 disc 2 and if you are albert, remember to bring the 3rd disc soon. gotta get back to dbz, see ya. Wednesday, 10.22.02 6:20 (journal) We don't have school today (horray) nah it's not that good, i was totally bored from 12 (the time i woke up) to 5 because i had nothing to do. I wonder if everybody had a good day besides me. anyway, i came online after i finish watching dragonball z and the first thing i do was making one of my good friends mad(i'm such an idiot) i hope he's not mad at me soon cause the last time he was mad at me, he had to block me for a month. If you were reading this right now, i'm sorry and try not to get mad at me for a long time cause i hate it when that happen and i know it would never happen again. I hope i could still ask you for help on homework like right now i gotta go check out to see if i can find the serving size for my biology class. If you got that sheet done, i might need your help on the serving size. Tuesday, 10.22.02 3:34 today was such a wonderful day for me. It all happen during lunch time when i was talking with rulei, the girl that i like last year and we sit together during the Phantom of the Opera last year but we don't talk very much after the Phantom of the Opera because we don't see each other very often anymore. Then i saw liliana and i said hi to her,and she said it back, it feel kind of weird cause it's just like the kind of movie when two people say hi to each other, it feels like they are in another dimension when nobody is next to them , just the two of them. anyway it's stupid so i'll stop talking about girls for now. Something really cool thing happen to me today, i found out there's a bus coming to City High earlier and so i took the early bus and i get home at like 3:30.(sing a happy happy happy happy happy happy song) heh, i think i got home faster then albert. i gotta go find my old singing clothes so i can prepared for it for tonight's concert.(boring) i have to do it cause i would get F if i don't so i guess that's what albert call it a pressure or stress. saturday, 10.19.02 10:45

today was a very fun day for me. I wake up at almost 1p.m and then i was watching the WB channel cartoons that i recorded, when it get to three i was watching something different and then my sisters want me to go with them to williamsburg(OUTLET MALL OR SOMETHING) to do some winter shopping which i did, we went there for like 4 to 5 hours and when we come back, cindy drove me albert's house cause we were having a sleep over. I was thinking of going to the homecoming and but then i thought that sleep over would be a bazillion times better then homecoming so i didn't go. During the sleep over, we were just chilling and playing and arguing and some chatting. It was all good sitting home chilling with the home boys,kind of reminded me when i was a little boy. Nick wilson was there too, which made it more fun cause we do need extra people for the multiplayer games since nick alt is going to the homecoming. Oh shit,( gottta get back to the movie) peace out!!!!! friday night,, 10.18.02 10:49

i'm here updating my every day life, there's nothing else to do since i don't know how to create a image gallery site for y'all to see and albert would not help me!!!!! he told me to figure out myself, pshhhhh(like i can) i barely understand a lot of vocabularies , so i guess i'm stuck with this until i learn how to create it myself. It might take forever so be patient. Wednesday,, 10.16.02 2:51

i'm at school library during my last period of the day and i'm bored as hell. Nick Wilson is next to me right now and we were both, S***.......................(drunk)!! today's song of the day by me is Ja Rule feat. jerzee monet-twisted or Ja Rule feat. bobby something-thug luving.I still need help from albert to help me create an image gallery for my anime pictures and of course my own pictures. Tuesday,, 10.15.02 8:43

Hey this is the real Chang Chen. Thanks for helping me albert and i really appreciated, even though i still don't know how to do it. I just copy yours and paste it heh :) i'm still deciding what to put on this site. If you have any ideas remember to write to me or IM me at cuteguyrule10128. Sunday, 10.6.02 2:55

King the Diamond has now been created (By The King of Hearts (King of Hearts) of course with a time of...about 8 minutes). And will be maintained by Chang Chen.

Well, since I'm making the site and have not handed it over to Chang yet, I'll give you an overview of this site or what I thought he wanted. This was suppose to be a personal site in which feelings and pictures can be shared I guess HA! I'm not sure if he wanted this to be a log but that was my personal intentions. I am the King of Hearts but mostly refered to as Albert Chan. I was planning to make a webring of sites such as this and call the ring the Shuffle Alliance. (King of Spades will be up shortly!)

The layout: The image for this layout was taken from Rurouri Kenshin because it was one of Chang's Favorite anime's and I thought he'd like this one. My initial theme was to create a serene environment. How much more serene can you get than a waterfall? This character was used because of his physical appearence, his hair was long and flowed such as the water in the background. Yeah, that's about it. I did not put much thought in the creation of this site but it has a simple structure and soon, I suppose will have links.

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