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Fire destroys Region Four RDC building
GUTTED: The RDC office at Paradise, East Coast Demerara. (Winston Oudkerk photo)
FIRE of unknown origin early yesterday morning destroyed the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) Region Four building at Paradise Public Road, East Coast Demerara.

The fire reportedly started shortly after 12:30 h and the four unarmed security guards attached to Strategic Action Security Service at the location said they saw no one prior to the fire.

One of the security guards posted at the front in the guard hut told the Sunday Chronicle he heard the incessant barking of dogs which live in the compound but did not investigate.

A female security guard said she saw smoke coming from the back in the bottom flat of the two-storey building, but by the time she had a chance to investigate the fire spread quickly.

SCORCHED: books scorched in the fire. (Winston Oudkerk photo)
Nothing was saved from the building, and three vehicles parked under a shed in the compound were also destroyed.

A resident who lives opposite the RDC building said he heard the crackling of glass and woke up to see the building in flames. He said the building took about 15 minutes to burn.

Fire Chief, Mr Lawrence David said the Guyana Fire Service received a telephone call at 01:08 h and two fire tenders was dispatched to the scene.

He said when the tenders arrived at the scene the entire building was engulfed in flames but nevertheless firemen began dousing the fire.

Mr David told the Sunday Chronicle investigations are ongoing to determine the cause of the fire.

In a separate incident, on Friday police were called in at the RDC office when it was discovered that $3M was missing, reports said.

Sunday, September 03, 2006