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Vengeance-seeking gunmen torch contractor ' s house

•  strip caretaker, search home

The burnt interior of Errol Cush's home (left)

A fire, which was started last Saturday evening by two gun-toting men and a female accomplice at Contractor, Errol Cush's Lot 7, Providence, East Bank Demerara home, has left millions of dollars in damages.

Reports are that the fire, which was lit by one of the two gunmen commenced at about 19:35 hrs after the two men and woman entered Cush 's home through the kitchen door, at the back of the house and ordered the caretaker to take them around the house.

“I get a small key board and I went inside the kitchen playing it when I see these three persons come by the door. One of them ask me ‘where is the boss man?' and when I tell them that he ain't deh home the other turn and tell me that they come fuh revenge,” caretaker of the house, Balmattie Ramlatchman told Kaieteur News.

Ramlatchman called ‘Tounkie' added that the men and the woman then ordered her to take them to all the bedrooms in the house.

According to her, as they entered each bedroom, the men ransacked it as if they were looking for a specific thing.

Ramlatchman said that when she took the gunmen and woman into Cush 's room, they went straight to his closet and began tumbling it.

“As I carry them in each room them de tumbling everything. When I carry them in the boss room, they when straight to he closet and began searching inside. After that they start the fire and then order me to turn around and walk downstairs with them,” the 44-year-old woman said.

The caretaker noted that after they were downstairs, again the men ordered her open the front gate of the yard, which was padlocked.

She said that as they were about to leave the house, the woman ordered her to take off all her clothes. She noted that the woman then left her naked and went away with her clothes. She said that as she opened the gate for the arsonists to leave, a dark coloured car drove up and collected them.

“After they left I run over to GEB guard service which is nearby and holler fuh help. By then the fire de catching and so one of the neighbours run out with a fire extinguisher and out the fire. But as soon as the man run back down stairs the fire catch up again. But when it catch up again, it start to burn fast. Neighbours then begin to throw water but it de done catch big. Little bit after the fire service reach and they put out the fire,” Ramlatchman said.

She however noted that by the time the fire was extinguished, most of the upstairs was burnt.

“During all this time my 19-year-old daughter was sleeping in a room upstairs and she didn't know a thing of what was happening in the house. These people didn't take a thing from the house. But only recently, we get some letters in the mail threatening to kill the boss man. But when I showed him he didn't take it fuh nothing and he just used to ignore the letters. But since these letters started coming I had this fear in me like if something gon happen,” the caretaker said.

The 44-year-old also said that Cush arrived home after the fire and reported the matter to the Providence Police Station.

She also noted that Cush turned over the some of the threatening letters to the police. When Kaieteur News visited the house yesterday all of the beds, wardrobes and walls in the upper part of the building were burnt to ashes. The caretaker's clothing that the gunmen took was seen in a nearby trench.

Ramlatchman and her two children reside in the house with Cush .

•  All of the family ' s clothing and personal articles were also destroyed in the fire.