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Counter Strike servers

This is the Juice clans website it's the shizznits so Check it out!

JUICE Clan Server

The matrix's server is also one of the servers you'd catch me in Kickin ass! or losing terrably

~The Matrix System~

Zero Limitz Clan server is the shizznats!! and Slavish is a MONSTER!! so if he's on don't play,unless your as good as ME hehe I wish!:(
Zlimitz Clan server

Paintball Stuff

Cool Site has lots of shnazzy SH!T
Spikes Paintball

Creator of the high-end Angel Markers very cool site.

Snowboarding Sites.

Burton Snowboards Just might possiably Have the best Snowboard gear around!
Burton Snowboards

Snowboard Canada is the best Magazine for finding out the stats on the Newest gear.
Snowboard Canada