Greetings & welcome to The Impala Farm! I'm Eric The Impala Farmer, come on in to the barn & check out some rare beautiful fullsize Aerocoupes & other beauties. It's August 22, 2004 and I really feel the need to at least make an appearance here on the webshell for this site and, at the very least, let people that have been visiting The Farm faithfully from it's humble beginnings at the turn of the century know what's going on. For those of YOU faithful Impala farmers, I can only imagine that you've probably wondered if I died or what! All I can tell you is that major personal changes in my life at the beginning of this year have forced me to work & sleep most of the time, so I have not been able to fulfill my duties here on the site. With these changes have come a major financial burden, and while I will continue to offer The Auto Farm Portal and The Impala Farm as major contributing resources of information and entertainment in the 70s to 90s GM automotive era I can not really tell you when I will have the time to "revamp" everything as severely as I want to do. My garage is gone, and The beloved cars known as Bessie and Jezebel here on this site are GONE as well. I lost a vast amount of parts and resources too. I still retain Anabelle, Talula and Vinny, and am holding onto Them with a desperate death grip. All I can offer the folks who have continued to come back here, looking for new news, is that there WILL be some in the days and weeks ahead. Just please stick with me, the future Impala Farm and even the Portal will be worth the wait, I promise. Again, recent updates to my guestbook include some models I overlooked before, and also the years 91-96 in the pulldowns describing visitor's cars. So even if you've been there before and signed, you may always visit again as many times as you like. You can also find info about & parts for these cars, built from 1977-1990, as well.
OK, I hear you asking, "why just 77-90?" and it's just this simple; take a look at fullsize GM cars on the internet. You'll find an incredible amount of sites about vintage (50-72), still more about the last real fullsize RWD cars (91-96), and you'll even find some about those 73-76 land yachts. My obsession is with the 77-79 Fullsize Chevy Aerocoupe in particular, and with the rare Canadian and last-year models in the 80s as well. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE all the vintage & 91-96 cars, especially Impalas. I just want to hopefully create more enthusiasm for the 77-90 line before they're all gone. My biggest hope is to find more enthusiasts of these beautiful autos, and possibly create more in the bargain. A couple of tips for maximum enjoyment of this site: Please maximize! For some reason (I'm not exactly a web"master") some things get cut off if you don't, especially if you're on AOL. Please check out EVERY page. I know most of them take awhile to load, but I'll try my hardest to make every page worth the wait.
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