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Sahaja Yoga - Experience & Retrospection of the Chinese

last update 2008. 2. 16 更新  此舊址不再更新,請重設連結,並登入新址再看

Ethnic Chinese all over the world thankfully wrote their experience on Sahaja Yoga as a humble reply to Shri Mataji's beautiful miracles on our lives.

本網首22篇剖白及小量其他內容已輯錄印成小冊子 【霎哈嘉瑜伽華人經驗】,


「現在人類到了這時刻,有一點很重要,你們必須知道,就是一個新時代已經開始──這是個集體得到『自覺自悟』(Self-Realization) 的時代。」

錫呂.瑪塔吉( Shri Mataji, 1994/4/22香港)



如見有關霎哈嘉瑜伽的報導,請寄來為盼! Media coverage record welcome


呼籲:Chinese speak out

不要把你的好故事埋沒,你的經歷可能是迷途者的曙光。各地華人霎哈嘉瑜伽練習者請立即把經驗寫下交來,在此向世人分享, 寄來手寫稿也可(自行保存一份影印稿〕,甚至送來口述錄音也可。有需要的話,英文稿亦會有人為你翻譯及打字。風格宜盡量平實科學,有客觀數據更佳。
自己有網頁/ Blog更佳,告訴我們超連結過去。

寫文章的建議 (按此)

If you are an ethnic Chinese Sahaja Yogi, we are waiting for your stories and testimonial to be shared here. Please do not let your stories be buried . You may even send us the hand-written script, or cassette type by post. Or even if you prefer to write in English, we will translate into Chinese and type for you. Your personal website/ blog definitely deserve a link from here !

新遷日期 (removed to on) :2006.4.5
舊址開幕 (
first constructed at 2001.12.30


舊址 angelfire 計數:  搬遷日讀數 : 15772

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Sahaja Yoga - Experience of Ethnic Chinese
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