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Hi, welcome to my world.
A few things to look at here and bunches of freebies too! I'm in the middle of
moving to angelfire so please keep checking back for lots more layouts, tons of psp stuff,
cliques, blinkies and adoptions. It's all linkware so use what you like and enjoy!
I also do exclusive personal and buisness layouts and graphics or logos for your site for a small free.
So feel free to drop me an email and we can discuss any ideas you have and maybe come up with something great!
If you'd like to take any of the artwork feel free but i'd appreciate a link back to my
website. Please link to http://www.freeweb.com/evokedesigns A text link would be fine
or take a logo button and stick it somewhere on your site.
Just right click and save.
Easy huh!
Just a quick thanks to Stardust Designs and Daydream Graphics for their great
tutorial sections. Ive provided a link to each of them on the buttons to the left
so please take a peek at the amazing stuff they have there. I'm sure you'll love it.
I've been collecting anime for ages and don't know where i've dl half of the pics
from so please if anyone knows i will be happy to put in a link or if there's a problem with me using any of the images
on this site please let me know and they will be taken down immediately.
