Spring Semester Review Lecture

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Urban Boomtime (1872-1910)

Gilded Age, political machines

Industrial Growth

Monopolies, pools & trusts

New inventions

Problems with crime, disease, overcrowding, working conditions

Early labor unions

Massive Immigration

Old immigrants

New immigrants

Making the crossing & Ellis Island

Racism, xenophobia, and anti-immigrant legislation


attack political corruption, poor working conditions, child labor, purity of food & drugs

Muckrakers and the yellow press

Roosevelt: trust busting, nat’l parks, some support for labor

Direct primary, referendum, initiative

Temperance Movement: 18th Amend

Women’s suffrage (started in 1840’s): 19th Amendment

Racism: BT Washington, WEB DuBois

U.S. Imperialism (1890-1920)

Hawaii & the Open Door Policy

Spanish American War (Cuba & the Philippines)

Panama Canal & Roosevelt Corollary in Latin America

Intervention in Mexico vs. Pancho Villa

World War I

Outbreak of war and isolationism

New weapons and trench warfare

Lusitania & Zimmerman Telegram

Mobilizing for war

propaganda and silencing opposition

U.S. Swings the tide

The 14 Points & the League of Nations

The Twenties Roar

Racial tension, the Red Scare, Sacco & Vanzetti

Clash between rural & urban

Boom for Business, Bust for the farmers

The Jazz Age: prohibition and the liberation of America

New Marketing and consumerism

More Roar

New celebrities, athletes & entertainers

The car, radio, & movies bring America closer together

Speculation in the stock & real estate markets - Gatsby, get rich quick

Depression sets in

Market crash & bank failure

GNP plummets, unemployment skyrockets

Hoover stays hands off

Bonus Army, Hoovervilles, Dust Bowl

FDR & the First New Deal

Long, Coughlin, Townsend; Fascism & Communism

Second New Deal

World War II

German & Japanese Aggression

U.S. Neutrality – Lend/Lease

Pearl Harbor – enter the war

Pacific Theater (carriers, island hopping, subs, etc.)

European Theater (Africa, D-Day, Bulge, etc.)

Homefront: rationing, women to work, propaganda, etc.

More WWII & Start of Cold War

Atomic Bomb

Peace Settlement at Yalta

Division of Germany, Berlin Airlift, Marshall Plan

China goes Comm., Russia gets Bomb

Korean War (support south vs. north & China)

Nifty Fifties

GI Bill – education, loans, etc.

Suburbs – affordable housing, white flight, conformity, malls

Television, birth of Rock & Roll

McCarthyism – fear of communism, conformity

postwar spending boom˘ economic prosperity

Civil Rights Movement

Abolition – DuBois, Washington

WWII – segregated army, Randolph

Jackie Robinson, Emmett Till

Brown vs. Board˘ Little Rock

1955- Montgomery Bus Boycott

Early 1960’s: Sit Ins, Freedom Riders, March on Wash, Birmingham, Miss Summer

Riots & increased militancy in late 1960’s

Cold War into the 1960’s

1957: Sputnik, 1960: U2, 1961: Bay of Pigs, 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis

Kennedy’s New Frontier & Johnson’s Great Society – United States Empire?

escalation in Vietnam, pacification, Tet

New Left: SDS, Chicago 7, etc.

extensions of CRM: women, American Indians, etc.)


Late 1960’s-Early 1970’s

Nixon, New Federalism & the Silent Majority

Burger Court: Busing, Roe, Miranda

Vietnamization, Cambodia, & Escalated protest against the war

Visits to China & the USSR

Agencies: OSHA, EPA, EEOC

Watergate: break in, cover up, investigation, hearings, resignation

The 1970’s

Energy Crisis, oil embargo

Ford: Pardon, Inflation, lack of confidence

Carter: stagflation, peace in ME, hostage crisis, malaise

Rust Belt

Culture: Disco, self awareness

environmental issues

Afghanistan, grain, Olympics

The 1980’s

Reagan: cold warrior, arms buildup, tax relief, faith in America

Reaganomics: supply side, good for the wealthy, bad for the inner city

corporate raiding

Savings & Loan crisis, Iran Contra scandal

Conservative ideology (guns, abortion, ERA, school prayer, etc.)

Possible Essays

Discuss the connections between changing technology, war, and the American economy between 1914 and 1995.

Trace the path of the United States from isolationist nation in the late 1800’s to the most powerful nation on the world in 2003. Be sure to outline the key events & people who made this happen.

Discuss the process by which the United States has come closer to living out it’s mission statement of "all men are created equal".