Text of the Unit V Review Game

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Identify three reasons for New Imperialism.
nationalism, industrialism, belief in cultural superiority, spread religion
In what continent was this new imperialism most evident?
What two nations started the colonization of Africa? What part?
GB & France, northern sections
What was GB’s goal in Africa?
Cape to Cairo
Why was China ripe for forced trade in the 1800s?
internal turmoil
What was the worst example of European exploitation in Africa?
King Leopold in the Congo
What were the only two parts of Africa not colonized by 1900?
Ethiopia and Liberia
What were the two clashes in Africa that fed animosity against GB?
Fashoda Crisis with France and the Boer War with the Dutch Afrikaners
Why was trade with China so important to the Europeans?
Chinese goods were in high demand in Europe
What was the U.S. policy for trade in China?
Open Door Policy
What British settlement came out of this policy?
Hong Kong
What was the Chinese rebellion in response to the Open Door Policy?
Boxer Rebellion
What were the two examples of economically successful colonies in the 1800s?
Dutch Indonesia and British India
How did the British “accidentally” introduce nationalism & liberal ideas in India?
Educating them in English in the Western fashion
Why does Germany antagonize GB in the early 1900s?
to make themselves look powerful so GB will want to ally with them
What was the cause of the Sepoy Rebellion?
rumors about the animal fat used on rifle cartridges
How did the British change the way they ruled India after this rebellion?
they shifted to direct rule, placing the colonies directly under their control
What are the two largest religious groups in India?  Why is this a problem?
Hindus and Muslims, tension between the two groups
What was the chief impact that Hinduism had on India’s social structure?
divided it into a rigid class structure (castes)
What British educated Hindu goes on to lead the Indian Nationalist Movement?
Mohandas Gandhi
Identify three kinds of raw materials that came out of SE Asia.
teak wood, rubber, tin, spices, tea, coffee
How did France first get involved in Vietnam?
through missionaries who went there to spread Christianity
What were the only two societies in SE Asia ruled by Europeans in 1800?
Spanish Philippines and Dutch East Indies
What nation took over the Philippines from Spain in 1898?  Why did they want it?
the U.S., as a jumping off point for trade with China?
What event in Europe weakened the control of Spain & Portugal over their colonies?
Napoleon’s takeover of Europe
Identify the basic class structure of the old Spanish Empire in the Americas.
peninsulars, creoles, mestizos, natives
Which two groups maintained control after the colonies gained their independence?
peninsulars & creoles
Name the three most powerful forces in the new “republics” of Latin America.
army, large land owners, church
What was the large scale goal of Bolivar and San Martin?
the liberation of all of South America from the Europeans
How did intervention by British businessmen keep economic conditions the same?
Latin America was kept as the producer of raw materials and left under the control of the land owning elite
Identify two of the types of raw materials that Latin American nations exported in large quantities.
wheat, beef, coffee, bananas, silver, sugar
What powerful nation started to interfere in the politics of Latin America in the early 1900’s?
the United States
Identify three of the republics formed from the colonies in South America after they gained their independence.
Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile