The Age of Revolutions!!!
(Agricultural, Industrial, French, American, Latin American....)

We will take our Unit Test on Tuesday, November 26th!

Click here to play the Review Game

Click here for a text-only version of the Review Game

Key Concepts to Master for this Unit

  • How agricultural and economic practices were changing in the 1700's to keep up with a growing population
  • The methods used by absolutist rulers in Prussia, Austria, and Russia to apply "enlightened ideas" to their nations, you should also understand their reasons for using these methods
  • The reasons for colonial empires, and the wars between the colonial powers that were challenging each other for colonial power
  • The reasons why American colonist began to resist British taxation and control in the late 1700's
  • The impact of enlightened ideas on the new nation formed out of the British colonies (the USA)
  • The basic causes of revolution in France in 1789
  • The reasons why the French Revolution changed from moderate to radical in 1792
  • The methods Napoleon used to gain power at the end of the French Revolution and ultimately build a French Empire
  • The European response to Napoleon and his defeat - as well as the ways Napoleon brought permanent change to Europe
  • The reasons why the industrial revolution started in Great Britain and the key steps in its development
  • The key ways that industrialization impacted social conditions (living and working conditions, the development of new social classes, etc.)
  • The ways in which the working class responded to industrialization

Homework Assignment for Unit III - Due Thursday, November 21st
The assignment for this unit is slightly different than that of the first two units.  Here are the requirements:
  1. Choose a key individual participant from each of the following major events: the Latin American Revolutions, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution. (e.g. Simon Bolivar from the Latin American Revolutions)
  2. Write a two paragraph biography of each person.  The first paragraph should describe the person's life, the second paragraph should describe the role they played in the revolution of which they were a part.
  3. Draw two political cartoons about the events that we have studied.  Remember that the intent of a political cartoon is to describe the subject in a way that is humorous and also makes clear the artist's opinion on the subject.  You can find some great examples of modern political cartoons by clicking here.

Helpful Links

The PBS American Revolution Site
The History Place - The American Revolution
Thomas Paine and **The Crisis**
A British view of the American Rev.
**Give Me Liberty or Give me Death!**
**The United States Bill of Rights**
**Declaration of the Rights of Man**
**Burke's Reflections on the Revolution**
**Robespierre on the Principals of Political Morality**
Chronology of the French Revolution
Excellent French Revolution Overview Site

Possible Essay Topics

Compare and contrasting the French and American Revolutions.
Analyzing the forces behind the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions and describing the ways that they impacted society.
Describing Napoleon's conquest of Europe and the ways that Napoleon changes European life and politics.