World History Unit II

Reformation, Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment

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Luther Assignment

Review Game PPT

Text Review Game


Reading Assignments

Date Due


Concepts to Master



  • The major ways that the Reformation spread beyond Germany (esp. Switzerland and England)
  • The changes in doctrine and practise that the Roman Catholic Church made to respond to the Protestants



  • The price revolution and its impact on life in Europe
  • The causes and outcomes of the Thirty Years' War
  • The causes and outcomes of the English Civil War (or Revolution)



  • The changes in scientific thought brought about by the discoveries of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton
  • The impact of the scientific revolution on medicine, philosophy and religion



  • The impact of reason and the thinking of key philosophes like Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu
  • The impact of enlightened thinking on economics and government
  • The role of women in the enlightenment


Unit II Test

Possible Essay Questions:

  1. How did the Reformation change religious beliefs and practices in Europe between 1517-1600?

  2. How did the Scientific Revolution bring about changes in thought that spread beyond science to philosophy and politics (Descartes, Locke, etc.)?

  3. Discuss the relationships between the political events of the period and the changes that were occurring in religion and politics.

  4. How did Enlightenment thinkers respond to the political, social, and economic events that were taking place around them? Impact?

Luther Assignment:

  1. Go to see the film and remember to keep your ticket stub.

  2. Complete a write up of the movie that includes the following information: a brief timeline of important events in the film, the key ways that the film attempted to emphasize the importance of Luther in the Protestant Reformation, and a list of the important things you learned from the movie about Luther and the start of the Protestant Reformation.

  3. Finish your write up with your own review of the film, include a discussion of whether or not you think the film would be a valuable experience for all world history students.

  4. Turn in your write up and the ticket stub to Mr. Swanson before October 16th.

An alternate assignment for people unable to see the film will be posted by 10/01/03.

Possible Essay Topics for the Unit Test

The ways that the Reformation changed religious beliefs and practices in Europe.
The ways that the Scientific Revolution brought about changes in thought that spread beyond science to philosophy and politics.
The relationships between the political events of the period and the changes that were occuring in religion and politics. (your big picture timeline is critical for this)
The ways in which Enlightenment thinkers were responding to the political, social, and economic events that were taking place around them

Helpful Links & Online Assignment

The Reformation
Project Wittenberg A Slightly Less Serious Luther Site
Henry VIII and the English Reformation John Calvin
Baroque Art & Music
Baroque Art at the Web Museum A List of Baroque Art Links
Palace of Versailles Paris Guide: Versailles
Baroque Music MIDI Collection
The Scientific Revolution
The Galileo Project The Newton Center
Collection of Scientific Revolution Links A nice overview of the Scientific Revolution
The Enlightenment
Encylopedia of Philosophy: Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau Voltaire at the Lucidcafe
Biographies at Blupete These will provide helpful additional support and links to writings of your important thinkers The Enlightenment at the Modern History Sourcebook Lots of great documents you can quote in the Salon