APS Unit IV: Public Policy and Political Systems

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Date Due Pages Key Concepts
  • The major ways that the federal government promotes business activity in the United States
  • Steps taken by the government to regulate businesses, especially trusts and monopolies
  • The steps the government takes to protect the American consumer
  • The role of the government in regulating and working with labor unions
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  • The ways that a welfare state has emerged in the United States in the 20th Century, especially since the New Deal
  • The nature and roles of the essential Public Assistance Programs that are run by the federal government
  • The ways that the federal government promotes public health

  • The major factors that drive United States' foreign policy
  • How American foreign policy has changed over the years (esp. isolationism vs. internationalism)
  • The ways that the 20th century have made the United States into a world power
Current Event #4 Articles Due (National, not Local)
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  • the origins of modern democracy as a political system
  • The wide variety of parliamentary democracies in practice around the world
  • The challenges facing emerging democracies such as Poland, South Africa, and Mexico
  • the major ways that life in an authoritarian state differs from a democracy.  Pay special attention to the examples provided by China, Cuba, Iran and Iraq
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This section focuses on global issues, such as:
  • International Terrorism
  • The threat of nuclear proliferation
  • The struggle for global human rights
  • Protecting the Environment
No School - Memorial Day

This Unit Test will be a part of your final exam.
We will start reviewing for the final on June 1.
You will take your exam on June 4.

Final Exam Structure
The Final Exam consists of a 65-75 question objective (MC, T/F) test and two essays (one essay in the Spring Semester).  The objective test will have 10-15 questions from each of the first three units.  The remaining 25-30 questions will come from Unit IV.

Possible Final Essays:

You will need to write a five paragraph essay in response to one from each group.  In Spring Sememster, you will write one essay from Group B only.

Group A:
  • Explain how the U.S. Constitution came into being, emphasizing the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers and our interaction with the British. Be sure to include a discussion of the Bill of Rights and how these rights have been interpreted over time.
  • Explain the duties and responsibilities of each of the three branches of our federal government. Be sure to include a discussion of the law making process and the system of checks and balances.

Group B:
  • How are domestic public and foreign policy made in the United States (discuss key government departments & agencies)? What are our priorities? How have they changed over our nation’s history?
  • Discuss the major types of governments in existence in the modern world (consolidated democracy, emerging democracy, authoritarian states, etc.).  Compare and contrast these forms using specific nations as examples to illustrate your point.