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Current Event Assignment Sheet

Major News Outlets:

Google News

Christian Science Monitor

Washington Post

LA Times



Understanding the important events taking place in our nation is a critical part of understanding our national and local government, therefore you will be required to keep pace with current events as a part of this course.  This means that roughly every two weeks you will:
  • keep an eye on the major news outlets and track three important national stories, you will need to print out one article for each of the stories you follow, highlight/underline the critical information in each of the articles you have printed
  • write a 1-2 paragraph summary for each of the news stories in which you:
    1. identify the important actors and issues at stake
    2. give a brief chronology of events connected to the story, and
    3. offer your opinion on the best possible resolution to the issue
  • Please make sure you are choosing stories that have real national news significance, NOT the Michael Jackson Case, or some random guy driving like a maniac, or whatever