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    Hi my name is Charmaine, but my friends call me "Butta". Welcome to my world. !! To know me is to love me. I believe happiness begins with one-self and if you put "GOD" first all things are possible.

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        First  and  foremost I would like to give honor to God and Jesus Christ our Savior. Last year this time I was running ,eating , drinking and playing with the devil and  Lord you watched over me and protected me. Right now I'm walking toward the light, I might not be prefect but I'm much better.....Thank you  


~ Likes ~  Greater Harvest Baptist Church 1617 West Saratoga St Baltimore , MD . Rev. Errol Gilliard Sr. Pastor. This is where I found myself. 


~ Dislikes ~ Stereotyping, Racism, pre-judgment, crack, dope and AIDS

~ Most recent fortune ~ :) Your love life will be happy and harmonious :) ............"Think So

~ Greatest blessings ~ Stephanie Renee Young and Donathan William Epps, ......."just in case you didn't know my two kids".


~ A Note for the Ladies~  ( ...... after 6 months with the Mr. Wrong) 


Ok, Ladies

Here it goes that same old topic. MEN.

Well let’s see where should we start, how about the fact that men say that women have issues and baggage. The way I see it, men have as much baggage, if not more, these days. For those of you who don’t know the definition of baggage let me break it down for you: Obstacles/objects that are used to transport issues and items from one place to another. Ok, let me further break down Obstacles and Objects. Obstacles are things meant to be over come however we look at them
as ways of life. Objects are things that we think brings us joy or are necessities for our well-being or survival.

Back to the topic at hand. MEN. Now ladies this might stir up a few mixed feelings however its time to let it be told, if not for me or you then for the future of our souls and spirit. Men say they want an independent woman without drama, baggage, and issues. Well hello we want the same thing. Where are the men that have the 5 C’s, class, cash or credit, crib, car and a career? (Not necessary in that order) Is that too much to ask for? Nowadays all women get from men are lies, lack of respect, and dependencies just to name a few. Let me speak to the men for a minute. Men, when you get a woman that’s good or good to you what do you do? You ignore her forget the things you did to get her start hanging out stop paying the bills start using your dependencies as excuses for why you can’t or didn’t do what you said you were going to do. Is that what we get after being childbearing, nurturing, hard working, strong women who are able to think for ourselves ? I know plenty of good women. For instance my mother, daughter, sister,
girl friends and co-workers. Some body needs to let it be told. Women are tried of it. (Men!) You know what your problems are. Get your sh**t straight and bring something to the table if you expect dinner. When you step up to the plate expect to play ball. If you just want to run around the field then be honest and expect the same from us.


~ A QUICK NOTE TO THE FELLA’ S ~ ( ...... written after several responses to the above message) 

To the “MEN” of BP thanks for all the kind words, notes and compliments. You have truly showed me that there are still more then a few good men left. To the “King’s” of BP hang in there you will find your Queen one day she might be closer then you think. Remember this when you’re the loneliest, and times are the hardest it’s because GOD has a blessing for you. Don’t let the Devil block your blessing; the Devil comes in many shapes, sizes and forms. Keep it real, handle your business because your prize is closer then you think.

Butta ~

~ Butta's views on Love/Relationships ~ ( ...... once again the deep side of me)

      We as people have an unlimited capacity to Love , it is a blessing, a gift we give ourselves.  We determine who we love, how much we love and what we will do to show love. The only thing that limits our capacity to Love are the conditions we place on loving.   

        Relationships don't just happen, no matter how we meet our mate or who make the introduction , we create the relationship. Before a relationship can be successful you must know what you want and recognize it when you see it. ( I want more than a mate , lover or sex partner , I want a friend.) Who I want is important enough for me to wait for.  It is not our job to change the other person . If who we have isn't the right person then SAY SO!! and then let them go. Don't play the on again off again game.  We have the capacity to let go .( Whatever or whomever leaves my life makes room for something better)

        If we do not know who we are and how we feel at any given time , it's best that we stay alone. Remember whatever you bring to the start of a relationship, is what you will have to cleanup.

    ~ For those who ask … "What are you LQQKING for in a MAN? "

Honesty, Communication, Respect, Loyalty, Independence, Goal Orientated, Strong Brother!!

              ~ What do I bring to the table? ~  Honesty, Communication, Respect, Loyalty, Independence, Goal Orientated, Strong Sister!!

    ~ Are you still contemplating whether or not to send me a note .........


If you answer yes to all of these questions then by all means drop me a note.

1.) Single – (No exceptions on this one)
2.) Full time Employed for the past 2years – (OK..You must have a job)
3.) Your OWN Transportation – (Mass Transit or Friends don’t count)
4.) No Children under the age of 4 years old - (Lessen the chance of Baby Momma Drama)
5.) You must have your own place- (Exceptions allowed on this one)
6.) 5’11 or Better
7.) This is on of my favorites must be at least 225lb or better …Yum
8.) Adventuress
9.) Spontaneous
10.) Romantic

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