Home Computer Needed to Work From Home
Great Income / Flexible Hours
     I won't waste your time - I'll get straight to the point. You are looking at an unique business opportunity - but as in any business you must be willing to INVEST IN YOURSELF.
     I am NOT going to show you a picture of an expensive car, an oceanfront house, or some other ridiculously expensive luxury, why? Because I don't have those things. I'm not a millionaire, I don't go on vacation every month, nor do I own some island...
     BUT... I DO work at home, I DO make enough to to live an upper middle class lifestyle with two kids, I DO spend much more time with my kids, and I DO love what I do and I feel very blessed to have found this opportunity.
     I want to share what I have done and share the opportunity that was given to me as I was desperately looking for a better way of paying the bills. This is NOT a get-rich-quick-scheme, you WILL have to work hard - but guess what? All of the hard work that you do only benefits YOU!
Make Money
Giving away FREE Satelight T.V. !

How does the program work?

     The program does not require any investment on your part. It is designed for people who want to work from the convenience of their own home and make money.
     You earn a handsome commission from each final sale that you generate – either through a direct contact, an email, a referral, or your website. We provide you with all the tools you need to do this, whether it is marketing and advertising materials, emails designed for your prospects and friends, or selling tools and tips.
     When your referrals buy from your affiliate link, or place an order on the phone providing your extension and promo code, YOU MAKE MONEY when that order installs. The more time you spend promoting, the more money you will make.

Ready to get started ?
Click HERE !!!
Commission Plus Performance Bonus
1 - 25
Installs per Month
$120.00 per Install
26 or more
Installs per Month
$135.00 per Install

Affiliate Earnings Table

Final Sales

Monthly Earning

Yearly Earning

10 Sales
$   1,200.00

$   14,400.00

20 Sales
$   2,400.00

$   28,800.00

40 Sales
$   5,400.00

$   64,800.00

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