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~*My Worthless Ramblings*~

Tuesday, February 1, 2005

~*Long Time Around*~
Mood:  down
Now Playing: DJ Rankin - The Best Days Of Our Life
Yeah so I know that I have not written much lately so I decided that I am going to update and as a matter of fact I think that I am going to update ALL of my journals today...and there are a me, lol..

I don't know where I left off but I will start with this past Friday..
Friday - School, kinda sucked...other then that it was pretty kick ass. Went to the mall with Stacey and Cindy ~*Thank you for the ride cindy!!*~
Got to the mall...hung around with Stacey n Cindy most of the night...saw Condor - Cris - Lil' Matt - Stephyness - and all of the other wonderful mall rats there =) Yay-ness...Yet at the same time, the mall felt soo damn weird, like I don't know, I can't really explain, but it just felt really really
Anyway yeah...did the daily running around the mall thing, pissing people off, lmao, that was fun, lmao...I was wearing my I <3 Tater Tots shirt and I don't know what the fuck I was doing, but some guy comes up to me and he's like Hey, Tater Tot, calm down.. My reply ended up being...ehh..suck my dick.. Aren't I just the nicest person that you have ever met? lmao...
Anyway yeah, I bought a new pair of shoelaces because, well yeah i need a new pair...they are black with red stars =)...yet I like the ones I have now - Black and White Strips...and they didn't have them, but hey, I will live, lol..
Saw Jim<3 YAY!! =) I luvage him oh so much...Like you have no
ANYwAY..yeah..Closing came me, Stacerz n Cindy left and on our way to the car i saw Amber!! =) yay!! I miss her and now I don't get to see her as much, because grr...she lives with Charlie now...not that there is a problem with it, it's just, I don't know, I miss her though...but yeah...After the mall...I ended up going to Stacey's house, we played pool for a little bit and then I think we played cards, I am not sure, lol....but yeah, then I went home and went online to change my away message - then I went to sleep..

Saturday - I am not sure what I did...I really don't remember to be honest with you..

Sunday - Stayed home most of the day...woke up at like 12...Bry Bry came to get me for a little bit around like 3...we went to go visit Stacerz at work and I got an Oreo McFlurry =) *Yummmmm* Around 5:30 Bry dropped me off and then I started home all day...
To make the day even better fucking Jeff had to go and call my damn house at like 12:50...and ugh, that just killed me, but I don't want to talk about that because I am somewhat in a really good mood and I want to keep it that way, and I am listening to techno so I shouldn't be sad =) lol....Me n Cris ended up getting into another fight about the song that WAS on my was DJ Sammy - Heaven...I ended up changing it and now it is Sabrina Paris - Look At Us Now...but yeah everything is alright with me n Cris now, so I am happy about

Yesterday - Monday - school sucked - it was tiring - i was miserable - nothing happened - theres my day=)

well i would explain today...but yeah it just blows so far and i have a lot of things to do, but hey i will get back to that eventually, lol...well byez for now....

~*Love*~ ~*Your Shooting Star*~ at 4:22 PM EST
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

~*I Love The Way You Laugh*~
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Well, this seems to be my frist entry and I still have yet to do a lot of editing to this site, yet for some odd reason I can't seem to get my background on here that I want, so that is ticking me off a little bit, but I will get it eventually. In the mean time, I have a myspace...Look me e-mail address is and my name is Taralyn AkA ~*Vixen*~...I also have a Darkstarlings. My name is Taralyn, so look me up and join for thier support...if you already have a myspace...find me and add me, if you have a darkstarlings, leave some comment love. I will be posting several surveys and things about me, becuase I know how nosey people can be..But here is a breif little something that you should know...

DO NOT piss me off, you don't want to go through that. I can be a little weird but that isn't bad. I love my friends with all my heart and I wouldn't be alove without them. I am addicted to Myspace and music and poetry. I LOVE Johnny Depp and Hamburger Helper *Beef Pasta*, I love beads and raver candies, I love chicken and chinky foods =), I also love mexican foods and the foods that my mommie makes =)...I have hazel brown eyes and Reddish-Brownish hair. I am 5'2'' and I weight 102 lbs. I am paranoid of cops...I am wiccan...If you judge me, I will judge you back, and trust me, my judging isn't good, therefore to be on the safe not judge me...get to know me...I don't really like to meet new people UNLESS you seem like a cool person and you have some of the same interests as me...I can be a bitch at times...I am pretty depressed at times...I have ADHD...I have a very loving boyfriend that I feel I do not deserve and his name is Jim and I luff him with all my heart. My EX boyfriend Robbie C thinks I am a slut, My Ex Jeff, who I went out with for 11 months and 16 days, broke my heart and threatened me and hit me, several times...But that is alright because Jim is now in my life to mend it =)...I kinda hate school, I love school delays and closings, I am a VERY VERY VERY OPEN person...Sometimes the littlest things seem to bother me. I think about the past too much..I have a sister who was given up for adoption and a father that can care less about me because he is a lifeless prickish alcoholic. He yells at me every chance that he gets...My mom on the other hand lives in 2 differnt places, New York *where she works with her boyfriend at his Lab* and my dad has a girlfriend that currently lives out of this damn state somewhere in Indiana and she should hopefully, soonly be moving here, that way I can get out of this piece of shit ghetto town called yeah, i dont know' there are a million other things that i would LOVE to mention, yet some I can't due to personal and surprising reasons that will be revealed once things start to happen around here...but hey I love friends and i love comments and feel free to be opened minded =) anything else that you want to know about me? ask me, I will be posting a lot more shit up before you know it, and by the way...sorry for making this entry so damn long, i just realized it, lol...anyway I LOVE YOU ALL!!! =)
Love, Peace and Chicken Grease

~*Love*~ ~*Your Shooting Star*~ at 4:37 PM EST
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