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-=-Mighty titan 'o raven pelage strode forth upon mighty pillars at your appearance, thick, ebony coat swaying with each sturdy step, upon reaching you a dip 'o 'is regal apex was sent-=-
"Greetings Stranger, dubbed Midnight, alphan 'o this noble cadre you have so carelessly intruded on..."
-=-Voice was strong yet not nafarion, obviosly not wishing to spar-=-
"This is the terra of the Wolves Of Night and if you wish you may join us...however, treat the pack and land respectfully or dire consequences will follow. I trust you will make a wise decision, as some of my packmates are not fond of intruders..."
-=-Long claudal swayed in the chill breezes 'o nightfall, golden oculii scanning you for a moment, as if reading your form like a book. With a hasty turn 'e tread back within the dark foliage and vanishing from sight-=-

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.: News/Updates :.
OK, the chat is FINALLY up, I apolagise for not updating frequently enough, with mid-terms it's hard, i'll be back on track asap. thank you for all your patience, please advertise, ACTIVE members are needed and if you wish applying for a rank would also be wise.
.: Season :.
Month: January

Climate: Freezing, chill winds blowing daily.

Breeding: On.

Birthing: Off.
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© 2003-2004 Rachel Pensak with support from Flamez and Tundra