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South America

After 1945, the countries of South America shared in the political, economic, and social problems that plagued Latin America. The military became the ones with most the power. They thought they were the best and they would do anything to keep their power. Conflicts arrupted when the power wanted to be shared and spred throughout the people of the country and not just the government.
The countries that are involved with the conflict are as follows:
  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Columbia
  • Peru

Other countries in South America that are not involved in the coflicts are Bolivia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela

*What you will Learn at this site*

  • Map of South America
  • Leaders of each country
  • Pictures of each leader
  • The conflicts of South America
  • Evita Perón in Argentina


Map of South America
Leaders of each country
Conflicts of South America
Key People in the Conlifcts of South America
Evita Perón and her efforts to help the poor
Information on the creator
