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Welcome to the Official website of Dragonball Creativa!

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT or any of the other mangas/animes mentioned on this website. I'm just a devoted fan with a plan to start a new legacy. ^_^

Disclaimer #2: Annialee, Vance, Gotwan, Piccolo Daimao Ma Jr., III, and Tenkuhan are property of me and me only. Hunter J.14, Eden, Rellik, Edge, and Hayden are all the property of my best friends. The Dragonball Creativa saiyan stages and the new planets are also the property of me and my friends. DO NOT TRY TO STEAL THEM!!! THE PENALTYS WILL BE HARSH!!! If you want to use them for anything, just ask. There's a 99% chance I'll let you. ^_^
