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Reasons-Chapter Three

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING- out of work and just playing with fictional people’s lives. Don’t sue, I don’t own...although I wouldn’t mind owning Danny but I digress....Also, don’t own “The Reaper” by Blue Öyster Cult.

A/N: Please Read and then Review @!!!

Chapter Three: Fireworks, Blue Öyster Cult and other stuff

Steven Hyde walked hand in hand with his wife into Donna and Eric’s backyard. It had been totally transformed. There were twinkle lights strung everywhere, beautiful centerpieces on each table...and candles. He knew Donna had helped plan the party but from the way the yard looked, he knew the decorations were Jacks doing. He could hear some unidentifiable rock song playing in the background...sounded to him like either Foghat or Bad Company. He knew the music selections had been made with him in mind. Jackie may like some of his music, certain songs in particular for sentimental reasons, but for the most part she was still a ABBA/Captain and Tennile/Donny Osmond kind of girl.

Everyone was there to celebrate with Jackie and Hyde. Fez, Laurie and their five kids, Donna, Eric and their three kids, the Hyde kids...and of course, Red and Kitty. The food was delicious, the music was festive, the moon was bright....and the champagne flowed freely. Hyde was beginning to feel slightly light-headed...he knew he should’ve sipped that champagne more slowly...otherwise he would’ve never let Jackie talk him into dancing on the “dance floor” AKA the Forman’s driveway. He couldn’t figure out why she pestered him so to dance to this particular song...until the tune registered in his champagne-fogged brain. He pulled his petite wife closer to him, wrapping his arms tightly around her still-tiny waist.

She spoke before he could. “You know what this reminds me of, Steven?” Jackie whispered into his ear, tickling him with her warm breath. She rubbed her hands up and down his still firm chest.

He rubber her warm back and sides, wishing they were alone and naked. He couldn’t think too clearly right now, between Jackie rubbing so sensuously against him and the champagne. He felt like he’d just come from The Circle in Eric’s basement. Had Jackie been talking to him? Oh yeah, she’d asked him what this reminded him of. Now he remembered....the song....the moonlight....the 4th of July picnic at Red and Kitty’s in ’83....the night their son, Eric, had been conceived.....

~* Flashback: Forman basement, 4th of July 1983 *~

Jackie and Hyde walked into the Forman’s basement, finding it, thankfully, deserted. They had been dying to get away together...alone...all day long. Someone always stopped them to congratulate them on their marriage or Kitty needed either Steven’s or Jackie’s help. Thankfully, the party was finally winding down and they managed to get away from everyone. They were, after all, still newlyweds. Jackie knew her choice of clothing was driving Steven nuts...she used the excuse that it was scorching hot but they both knew she wore the outfit for him. She had on the tiniest red tube top...and the shortest pair of shorts Hyde had ever seen....every time she bent over he held his breath. Afraid she was going to fall out of that outfit...and praying that she did.

Jackie went and plopped down on the couch, while Steven fiddled with the radio. He finally settled on WFPP, The Sound. They were playing nothing but songs from the 70’s that night. A Blue Öyster Cult song came on, one of Hyde’s favorite’s, and he went over to his new wife and pulled her up off of the couch. “Dance with me,” he whispered as he pulled her into his arms, needing to touch her.

All our times have come

Here but now they're gone

Seasons don't fear the reaper

Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain...we can be like they are

Come on baby...don't fear the reaper

Baby take my hand...don't fear the reaper

We'll be able to fly...don't fear the reaper

Baby I'm your man...

Hyde and Jackie danced slowly in the Forman’s basement. At first, just holding Jackie had been enough....but Hyde wanted, no, needed more than that. He craved her, like an addict craves his drug of choice. And for Steven, that was Jackie. She gave him a high like no other, especially when they made love. He slid his hands up from where they had been kneading her lower back to right under her tube top. She shifted closer, lost in the moment and her husband’s arms. His hands roamed the familiar territory of her back. She had the softest, smoothest skin of any girl he’d ever known.

He slowly worked his way around to her front, rubbing her belly. She looked up at him with sleepy eyes and brought her hand up to cup his neck, pulling his face down to hers. Right before her lips met his, she licked her lips, causing Steven to groan into her mouth. He slowly rubbed his lips over hers, enjoying the taste of her watermelon flavored lip-gloss. As good as that tasted, though, nothing compared to the taste of Jackie. He slowly outlined her lips with his tongue, causing her to gasp into his mouth. Steven then slowly sought and found her tongue with his own. Jackie could feel her heart begin to pound and her breath shorten like it always did when Steven kissed her. She tingled everywhere he touched and even the places he didn’t. She loved the way he made her feel; he showed her the depths of his feelings when they were making love and sometimes, they were so deep, Jackie felt like she was drowning in them. And she loved every minute of it.

Hyde broke the kiss, noticing Jackie’s pronounced breathing; her swollen lips; her closed eyes; her dreamy expression. He rubbed his thumb along her bottom lip, making her shiver and open her eyes to look at him.

“Did you feel anything that time?” he asked her with a devilish twinkle in his blue eyes.

A faint smile played on her lips. This was a little “game” they played sometimes, going back to their first “date” and the first time they had made love, a month after she graduated high school. He’d kiss her, ask her if she felt anything...and when she’d playfully tell him ‘No’, he’d keep torturing her until she admitted she felt something. She loved every minute of it.

“No, Steven, nothing,” she said with a knowing smile.

He smirked and bent down, nuzzling her neck and sliding his hands up to cup her breasts at the same time. He found that one spot right under her ear that drove her wild. She could feel his desperation in his touch; she’d known when she’d picked out this outfit she’d pay for it later. Just then, Steven tugged on both nipples simultaneously, making further thought impossible. She put her hands on his shoulders, digging her nails in while the pressure inside her built.

“How ‘bout now, babe?”

“Ummm, no, Steven.....but you can try again if you really want to...”

He removed his hands from her perfect breasts and slid her top up and over her head. She slid her hands down over his solid chest, grazing his nipples in the process, coming to rest on his lower stomach above his belt buckle. She tugged his black tee shirt from his jeans, rubbing her delicate hands over his warm stomach. She tugged the shirt up until he got the hint and lifted his arms....then the shirt was gone and she pressed their naked chests together. She loved the feel of his solid, muscled chest against her. She felt his heart pounding against her....and it matched the pounding of hers.

He kissed his way from her neck, down over her collarbone, to her perfect, perky breasts. He cupped them with his callused hands and slowly took a nipple into his mouth. She clutched his head to her, whimpering quietly. He laved her breasts for hours...or maybe minutes, Jackie couldn’t tell....he kissed his way back up to her ear, still cupping her in his palms.

“Anything,” he asked huskily in her ear, causing even more goose bumps to form.

“Mmmm....maybe if you try one more time....”

Valentine is done

Here but now they're gone

Romeo and Juliet

Are together in eternity...Romeo and Juliet

40,000 men and women everyday...Like Romeo and Juliet

40,000 men and women everyday...Redefine happiness

Another 40,000 coming everyday...We can be like they are

Come on baby...don't fear the reaper

Baby take my hand...don't fear the reaper

We'll be able to fly...don't fear the reaper

Baby I'm your man...

Steven was so hard and it was all because Jackie was so responsive, so beautiful, so lovely.....and he couldn’t believe she was all his. Forever. He slid his hands down over her smooth tan stomach to the fly of her denim shorts. He began to kiss her again, pouring his feelings into her through his kiss. He worked the shorts and her panties down over her legs to her ankles where she kicked them away. He slid his hands around to her ass, cupping her and squeezing. She pulled away from the kiss, threw back her head and moaned. He took the opportunity to explore her neck again, kissing and biting the tender flesh exposed to his roving mouth.

“Steven...” she moaned breathlessly.

“Yeah...” he sounded pretty out of breath, too.

“I am definitely feeling something now.....”

He lifted her slightly and she took the hint, wrapping her legs around his waist snugly. She could feel the hard outline of his erection through his jeans and purposely ground her hips into him. He bit down on her neck in retaliation as he carried her towards his old room. She knew he would leave a mark...and she could care less. She was in Steven’s arms, making love to him; beyond that, nothing mattered.

Love of two is one

Here but now they're gone

Came the last night of sadness

And it was clear she couldn't go on

Then the door was open and the wind appeared

The candles blew then disappeared

The curtains flew then he appeared...saying don't be afraid

Come on baby...and she had no fear

And she ran to him...then they started to fly

They looked backward and said goodbye...she had become like they are

She had taken his hand...she had become like they are

Come on baby...don't fear the reaper

The next thing Jackie felt was a scratchy wool blanket against her back. Steven followed her down seconds later, having divested himself of his jeans. He continued to kiss her, running his hands all over her as she did the same to him. He dominated her existence in these intimate moments, blocking out everything and everyone. He slid his hands down the outside of her thigh to her knee...then worked his way up to the apex of her thighs. Jackie moaned and arched her back, dragging her hard nipples against Steven’s chest.

Steven threaded his fingers through her soft curls, finding her hot and wet...for him. It was almost more than he could stand. He’d been waiting for this moment all day. He settled his hair roughened thighs between her soft ones and stilled. He put all his weight on his elbows, so not to crush her and pushed the hair back from her face. He kissed her lightly on the lips and pulled back.

”Jacks, look at me.”

She opened her eyes, dazed with hunger and asked him throatily, ”What, Steven?”

”Nothing, I just wanted to look into your eyes when I told you I loved you.” He kissed her lightly on the lips again, pulling away before she could respond.

”Oh, Steven, I love you, too,” she whispered back. He turned her attention just then by thrusting deeply into her, all while looking deeply into her unique blue/green eyes. She closed her eyes against the sensation, knowing she was never going to last. She had been waiting for this moment all day.

Steven began a slow, shallow rhythm. He sped up at Jackie’s urgings....she wrapped her legs around his waist and dragged her nails down his tapered back, leaving raised, red lines. She panted softly in his ear, moaning his name occasionally. He thrust deeper and faster, causing the tiny cot to sway and groan in protest. He knew she was close; he could feel her tightening around him. He shifted his angle slightly, so he grazed her clit with every deep thrust.

A few moments later, Steven heard her breath catch and then felt her tighten all around him. She whispered his name in his ear as her orgasm consumed her. With that, Steven lost it. He thrust two more times and then came deeply inside his wife, filling her completely.

He lay on top of her, still filling her; too exhausted to move. He softly nuzzled her neck, placing a soft kiss at the base of her throat. She shifted and he knew he was probably smothering her. He shifted to the side, so he lay on his back and she cuddled up to his side. She shivered and he pulled the blanket out from underneath their bodies to cover them. He lay back down and he began to rub his hand up and down her soft back and over her shiny hair, letting the feelings of love and contentment wash over him.

He kissed the top of her head and spoke. “So, anything?”

She chuckled under her breath and then leaned up to kiss him. As her smiling lips met his smirking ones, she whispered, “Yeah, fireworks.”

Come on baby...don't fear the reaper

Baby take my hand...don't fear the reaper

We'll be able to fly...don't fear the reaper

Baby I'm your man...

A/N: Sorry this took so long....I was having major WB with this part, I went away over the weekend, and the html tags took forever to add. I also couldn’t resist putting this song in here....Blame it on this movie I watched the other night, “The Stoned Age.” I couldn’t get it out of my head and look where it ended up!! LOL It has no real relevance to the story line, it's just the song that's playing in the background. I’ll continue the anniversary party in the next chapter...which, since I got this chapter written, might have more smut in it! Please leave your reviews at Hope everyone enjoys!!
