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Roleplay #: 1 - Record: 0 - 0 - 0 - Next Match: Danger Zone, Triple H vs. Kane

|: We slowly fade in from a short commercial break to see absolutely nothing but darkness. It almost seems as if they are having some technical difficulties when all of a sudden a match ignites right in the bottom corner of the TV screen. That flame continues to roar on, flickering in the wind, as we see a massive hand holding the bottom tip of the flame. A couple seconds pass as all of a sudden that massive hand extends its fingers out, and engulfs the flame into his giant palm. The light, once again, is gone and the fact that there is not even a wimper coming from who ever put out the fire in his hand.. Leaves us with an okward feeling deep within our consciousness. A couple seconds pass once again as all of a sudden a dim light shines through out the room as if it had just decided to work. The camera man, is only inches away from the man who put out the match in his hand… And that man is none other than…Kane. The physical and psychological monster that is KANE continues to sit there.. With a heavy black towel draped over his head as if it was shielding him from an unknown predator. He slowly looks down at his right hand now as it continues to smoke from the match. A circular mark of ash resides on that same hand as the match slowly drops to the ground below. He takes a second to study his hand, and then quickly snaps his head to the camera man and begins to speak :|

Kane: It was punks like you Triple H who made my childhood unbearable. A snot nosed, good for nothing.. PUNK.. Who decided he wanted to be “King of the Hill”.. So he found every single FLAW in the others around him, and created a battle plan to destroy their minds. |: Stairs off into the corner :|… The Fire… It left me.. battered and bruised not only physically but mentally… It hurt to look in the mirror, or be anywhere around others… And it was the SNOT NOSED PUNKS like you HUNTER…. Who pushed me to the EDGE!! It was SNOT NOSED PUNKS LIKE YOU… That created a monster!! I’ve spent every waking moment after that fire trying to regain any sense of composure, but the more and more I was picked on… The more and more it made me slip from sanity! So now… I stand before another punk… Who thinks that I am nothing more than a FREAK… A MONSTER! |: Creepily begins to laugh :| So be it! You see Hunter, I’ve had this pain building up in me from the day that I was born… And I’ve done my best to stow it away… Deep within my mind… In places that many of you would NEVER want to go! But… It’s coming to the surface! I’ve tried to keep it at bay, and I’ve tried my HARDEST to subdue that monster within… But I’m tired of fighting Hunter.. I’m Tired of having a constant struggle in my mind, and that is why I am going to let it all go… |: Evil Smirk :| This Friday… on Danger Zone… It will mark the beginning of the END for all humanity… It wont matter if you’re a man, women, or child… If you’re a IWF superstar.. Or a lonely punk sitting in the first row… I will see to it that I inflict as MUCH PAIN as I possibly can… And I will SEE TO IT THAT YOU HUNTER….. THAT YOU WILL SIEZE TO EXIST!

|: Kane barriers his head into his hands for a couple seconds now as we all of a sudden hear a creepy laugh coming from that general area. A couple seconds pass now as Kane slowly raises his head from his hands with a demonic look upon his face… His lip curled up, and his eyelids taking over most of his eyes.. As he stairs into the camera and begins to speak once again :|

Kane: That day has come… The day in which all these demons inside of me … Will be released and I will finally be the MONSTER who you all say I am! |: Laughs :|.. Just remember.. When I’m hovering over you.. With your life in my hand, Hunter… Remember that it was YOU who created this MONSTER! It was ALL OF YOU… Who poke fun at me… And who made my life a living HELL! |: Sadistic Laugh :| Now it’s time for me to return the favor.. And make your all of your LIVES… Nothing… BUT A LIVING HELL! |: Pauses :| In just a few days Hunter… In just a few days.. It will be the END Of your career, and the beginning of MINE! You see the IWF World Championship is something I want… It’s something that will mark my dominance over all of you, and I will see to it that I accomplish my goal… After Sunday I WILL be the World Heavyweight Champion, and you Hunter… |: Laughs :| You will be laying on a hospital bed… Clinging to life, and wishing you had NEVER stepped into the ring with me!! For I am exactly what you say I am when you see me walk down the hallway… I’m EXACTLY who you say I am when you whisper behind my back… IM A MONSTER, A FREAK.. And this MONSTER Will not rest until the IWF World Title is laying over this shoulder…

|: Kane points over at his right shoulder and then slowly starts to nod his head as that evil smirk shows upon his face again. We slowly fade to another commercial break now as we see Kane continue to nod his head, while looking at his right shoulder the entire time :|