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lorcan's webpage. theres not alot here. turn away now.


see all them stars, tthats wot i see wen i bangbang my head. i do that alot.

apparently i have to give out 'my favorite websites , wots that all about

its a chatroom, but its all like a hotel, i have my own room, its called de irish house. and im called, wildirishchild. cool innit?!
this is how this page was made!
thats were me new wedpage is gonna be!
my fingers hurt from typing! owwwwwwwwwww!!!!

well thats all for noe why dontya e-mail me or summat. i get bord easily p.s i am no way one of dem creepy internet peedofiles they are so sad and old ERGHH! here are sum piccys.src="" width="640" height="426" >
