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To ensure highest quality and most reliable turn-time, the Hero Portrait Studio currently caps active commissions to a max of seven. Those seven slots may be seen, below. To check an available Work In Progress, click the character named link. Items are removed from Tracking only AFTER the client acknowledges receipt and approves the final work.
1. Synchrotron Deluxe Bust: In Progress
2. Az'rial Deluxe Bust: In Progress
3. Vel Venturis (Jedi): In Progress
4. Darkfire (CoV): In Progress
5. Tracer & Sequoyah (CoH): In Progress
6. OMEGA QUIN------------------------------------------
7. OMEGA QUIN------------------------------------------
The Hero Portrait Studio operates strictly on a first-come-first-served basis, no exceptions. The top-most reservation immediately gets the first open slot in the active job queue. The turn-time clock begins within two days.