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Forbidden Alliance...Coming Soon!

Forbidden Alliance, the unity of light and dark races together. It is said that something like this can never work, but if we all have one common goal we will defeat all obsticles in our paths. There will be many conflicts within, but we are allowed to push and prod on our own, but if ANY outsider messes with anyone inside the Alliance, then they have started a conflict with all of the Alliance. We will protect our own. (This guild is mainly Roleplaying, so inner conflict is something that can not be avoided, but please understand that it is character to character, not person to person). We will on occasion have wars, meaning we will go to an arena (after someone makes sure that no one else is there.) and the light races will battle the dark races, and maybe even war with some other guilds, but that subject is still up for debate. This is something just for fun, and for the roleplaying aspects of the game. Together we shall rule, for we are the Forbidden Alliance....

Forbidden Alliance Laws (must read)


Krenj Deathwarder