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Forbidden City - Tian An Men Suare Massacre

The photo above is of present day Tian An Men Square

The Photo above is of present day Forbidden City in Beijing

A - Internet Search

Emperor Qin ordered the life-size terracotta clay army to be built at only 13 years of age. There are more than 10,000 clay soldiers, which were assembled over 2,000 years ago. This was a difficult task to complete. It took 36 years. The tomb had hundreds of thousands of workers working on the soldiers at one time. When the task was finally complete, all the workers were buried inside the tomb with the completed soldiers.

The tomb, which was accidentally discovered by pheasants who were digging a well in 1974, is 22,000 square metres in area. Many people consider the clay soldiers the eighth wonder of the world, even though they aren’t. The roof of the tomb has collapsed over the 2,000 years since it was built, which has caused some damage to the figures. There is also evidence of fires, which indicates the presence of tomb robbers.

None of the figures are exactly alike. They are all different, even if it is the pattern on their uniform, how the figures faces look, or even their facial hair. You are able to tell which soldiers are officers, or generals because of their uniform. Some of the figures are now in a museum, which many people visit. The tomb itself, has also become a major tourist attraction in China.

"Every Communist must grasp the truth, political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

This is a quote by Mao Zedong, who was a chairman of China until 1979, when he died. He was one of the many soldiers who took part in the Long March. The meaning of the quote is that to have a successful Communist government, you must use force to show the citizens of the country that the government runs the country, not its citizens. I believe that this statement is true for a Communist government. This is the reason for the governments actions against the student demonstrators in Tian An Men Square. To show they had complete control. Without this brute force used by the Chinese government, the demonstrators would have overthrown the government. If the Chinese government was overthrown, chaos would have broken out because the demonstrators wouldn’t have known how to run a country. Although the Tian An Men Square massacre was disgusting, it kept the country in order, rather than it being in chaos.

B - Magazine Article

Shocking information that is contained in this article is that many of the prisoners who were arrested for demonstrating in the square, were paraded around city streets or shown off in sports arenas before they were executed. I guess this was to make an example of what will happen if you rebel against the government. After these prisoners were executed the government would send a bill to the victims' family for the bullet they used to kill their family member.

The author of this article seems angry about what happened to the student demonstrators in China. He is against what the Chinese government did to the demonstrators. The author of the article feels the same way that the students did. That China should be a more democratic society with some amount of power given to the citizens rather than just the government.

The point of the sanctions imposed by the United States are to boycott China. The U.S. government was also against the Chinese government, so they made sanctions like postponing considerations of loans to China from other world leaders. The U.S. government felt like these actions would make the Chinese government change their position on the protesters.

Economic reform would lure business back into China because many people weren’t happy with the way Chinese businesses were run. This change could attract more people to get involved with their new business style.

The Chinese government would focus on suppressing activities at universities because university students were responsible for the whole demonstration being started. By suppressing university activities, he Chinese government can prevent any more demonstrations or rebellions against the government from happening again.

The American government feared a closer alliance between China and Russia because these two countries are governed in the same way. They are both strong Communist parties. With their same way of thinking, they can become stronger than they already are. Also, if these two countries come together, it would be easier for them to make alliances with other countries.

China regards the "West" as having governed their county incorrectly. They feel that the U.S. government gives its citizens too much power and control on the countries’ affairs. The Chinese government believes that if this much power is given to the citizens, then they will control the country, rather than the government controlling it.

C - Political Cartoons

1) In the cartoon that states give me liberty or give me death there is a picture of a person lying dead on the ground a with tracks of a tank surrounding them. This comic implies the character in the comic asked for liberty or death. The government did not want to give the student liberty so they ran over him with a tank and gave him death.

2) This cartoon shows a glass box containing a tank with a heading that says “ In case of democracy, break glass.” It shows the glass has been broken by what it appears to be a police officer. This comic is showing the government used tanks to fight because they did not want the change to a democratic government. The people who demonstrated in the square did not want a more democratic government and had to deal with these tanks.

3) This cartoon shows hundreds of dead bodies lying on the ground with a river of blood flowing between them, splitting the crowd in half. Above them is a tank and a sign that says “No worry-foreign investors still get the red carpet treatment.” This cartoon is explaining that the investors didn’t care how many people were killed they just to make sure they came out and stayed on top, keeping rule over everyone else.

D - Propeganda

Propaganda is systematic efforts to spread opinions or beliefs, especailly by twisting or slanting facts.

The first article that the group read was titled "Bruised, Tierd Students Paraded in Propaganda Offensive on T.V." This article was talking about how the security officails apparently roughed up the students they arrested. It states that foreign journalists had to get prior official permission to interview students rather then the government

The second Article that we read was titled "Beijing Using T.V to Smear Students". the article talked about how Beijings government used the news to spread rumors that they didnt kill anyone. Other sources, not influenced by the governtment, said that over 1000 or more students were killed.

The Third and last article that our group read was titled "Relatives Being Harassed for Protests, Students Say". This article is about the students fearing for their lives if they return home.

Our group belives that by the government using media to create lies about what is going on in the world is wrong and almost seems like it should be illigal. In this case thier "propaganda" blew up in thir faces becuase when you kill over 1000 people t.v isnt going to make the workd believe it didnt happen. The facts are sitting right infront of them, and unless they were completely ignorant chances are they figured out the real truth themselves.

E - Newspaper-Victim Perspective

The impression that we get from the students is that they felt they were treated unjustly.

They went into the protest thinking they were fighting for righteousness and for a better society and some were not lucky enough to make it out alive. They were killed off by their own kind. The people they considered “family” and whom they referred to as “uncles” did not hesitate to shoot at them or run them over with their tanks. All in a ploy to rid of the people “corrupting” the citizens of Beijing.

The student leaders were driven off into hiding because they were all being arrested and threatened by the government. The government did this because they figured if the leaders were stopped then their followers would also be stopped. Needless to say, they were somewhat right.

The government sealed off the Tian An Men Square which left over 5000 people stranted. Families were destroyed. Women, men and young children were killed. Other were smuggled ou of China in and effort to get out of harms way.

When all was done the demonstrators, the ones who survived, felt horrified and betrayed. They, along with the rest of the world, mourned the loss of their family and peers.

Beijing Military in Tian An Men Square

Beijing Military in Forbidden City

Beijing Flag

You have reached the end of the websight. Thank You for reading it. Mrs. Boyle PLEASE give our group a good mark this websight was hard to make!(a lot harder then it looks) Thanks:)