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The Home page

hello and thanks for coming to my site. if you are christian im warning you now. This is just the rambalings of me, Fiona Van Housen. this website is absolutly pointless other then the point of informing other people of my belifes/opinions, after all evreyone has a right to my opinion. oh and for all of you fucked up people who like to have eveything perfect and the spelling and gramer pristene: fuck you, this is my site and i dont want any emails from you telling me the :errors" on this site, one more time: fuck you bitch. anyway this site will include 1) Rligion,which is the one true faith? 2)Movies, what is exeptable? 3)Music, does your suck? 4)Stars, faggit or friend

Religion, which is the one true faith
Music, does yours suck
