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---> !!!UPDATED!!! <---

..:: Hey all u sexi mamis and papis haha, welcome to my site! It’s under mad construction so bare with me…I try and update my site as often as possible (last update August 11, 2003)… and I’m trying to get new pics as often as possible to::..


I wEaR dIeSeL aNd KaPpA.....nOt FuBu Or ExCo I wEAr TiGhT cLoThEs EvErYwHeRe I gO I aM a LoUd MoUtH aNd NoT aFrAiD tO tElL pEoPLe StRaIgHt Up AnD yEs My BoYfRiEnDs A gIno, ItALiAn, WeArS fLaReS, aNd SpEnDs MoRe TiMe On HiS hAiR tHaN i Do StEvIe B iS tHe KiNg Of AlL fReEsTyLe GiNaZ aRe ThE sOLiDeSt BrOaDz ThE oNeS tHaT sHoWeD eVeRyOnE wHaT sTyLe ReALlY iS AnD tHe OnEs WhO wErEn'T aFrAiD tO tElL a GuY hE's BrUtAl We Are pLaYbOyS FinEsT n We r 100% PURE GINAS!!!!!

1.Original 3 - Underground*
2. Dj Shwede - The Party*
3. Benni Benassi - Satisfaction
4. Clubspeakers - Have You Ever [Pulsedriver Remix]
5. Ziggy X - Bassduche
6. Lacara - Everytime We Touch
7. Jessy - Enchanted
8. Foggy - Your Eyes
9. 4 Strings - Let It Rain
10.Dj Lhasa – Giulia


Sam Damian Jordan Marco Nik Jeremy Jgovan Bryan Christopher Jack
Max Alex Doug Eric Steve Bruce Brendan T.J Justin Daniel
Eddie Roger Lance Collin Jermain Jamaal Courtney J.B Sean
Dave Ben Andre Omar Jordan Alex Danny Kyle Marvin Artur
Robert John Phantom Ish Chris Matt Brandon David
Anthony Kevin Derek Alex Sam

.•٭•.¸.•°•.¸.•*CaSsIe'S ShOuToUtS*•.¸.•°•.¸.•٭•.


Sexi, yes we have had mani guud times talking on da fone I am juss waitin for da day that I get ta meet u in person..hopefully it is soon…n remember I DO love you…Here yea go….~!~I Love You, Boop Boop Be De Boop~!~..Okie there you go…LoL, Go Gino..ItZ Yur Birthday…lmao I am such a weird person….wait till u getta noh me better…then wen can whut goes on frum there rite?? Hopefully guud stuff…well yea u can pick me up frum skool if u wan…hehe it wuud b kool to see a hott guy outside ma skool waitin for me!! J Yur Not Ugliee trust me ;-)…member trust is tha #1 thing that we got in out relationship…Aww I missed u on ma vacation to ma cottage n u prolly missed me too…next time I wanna go wid u wen u go on a trip away for a week outta Ontario iight?? I will most definitely kum see you, I juss gotta find a way there…hehe you noh whut I like tha most?? Tha names Bob, Barbara n Oliver…lmfao Kum on yu noh that they r kool names..hehe soon enuff…lol jkz…CHASTITY all tha way for this chick… not by tha time im 15..:-O im shocked at u!…Well I g2 bounce but I will ttyl iight? Lata I Love You So Much…~!*!~ Muahz ~!*!~

Tanya aka Tatsie

Well we have know each other for a loong time..and we have found so mani guys 2gether(luke)(lol), we still gotsta go through high-skool 2gether!!Member that tyme wen I fell off the playground @ skool n I wasnt cryin, until I seen the blood! I still member exactly wut happened, we have been through sum funni,sad,painful,dirrty(Luke aka Mr.Ketchup)LoL..tymes 2gether! N that day those guys wanted us to meet them in the middle of the field I regret it Now!! BIGG A$$ TYME!!!..Geeze..u wanna wear my exco coat..hmmm FINE..u can wear it wenever I have on my Iverson do luv yahz, we are most likely goin to b friends thorugh Highskool..Hopefully..Luv Yahz

Britney aka Brits

FINALLY made it to highskool..we had ups n downs n yes we have had our share of fites..but still we r best friendz,goin to Redmond is gunna b funn..lolz i still member dat day that tha principle were tournin us round da skool, n Korey n Tom were walkin round n we tried to find them..we heard a noise n it was da stupid janitor..damn it..n then they left..sucked so much..n then tha lil telephone booth in da skool, thats so0o0o cute guy..Happi Times..That pic of me n you all u can see is ma face n yur really dat short..damn it..lolz u wuud make a guud gina..that kappa jacket looked guud on u!.. well i g2 bounce..lata..Luv Yaz **muahz**

Kristie aka Rice Krispy

We have been friends since we were like what 6-7, we noe every guy in Brampton(well kinda) and me n u have been best-friends forever..Ye u n Angel do make a good couple I meen juss tha fact of ye noe...that tyme we were suppose to meet them @ tha movies...lets juss say neva again...holi shyt I think I should add on to me n Nick passin each other like 200 000 tymes now mah god! well wut can we say..DAMNNNNN lol...OMG and then the tyme that I tried to b Keeba and I "tried" to jump over the bush and I ripped my favourite pants...GRR..but it was funn...O yah and that tyme we went to Canadas Wonderland with Matt and David, and we hid on Matt n he ran by us, cuz we were behind a garbage can! LoL, we gotsta go there again but this tyme without Matt! David and JOSH! LoL! Bejin! LOL That was jokes! Chris Scott, is still my lil crack head! LoL Balck belt in Karate but guess wut?? My mum gotsa balck belt in mum's karate! LoL that was aslo jokes! Too Mani Good Tymes! Luv Yahz

David aka Bigg Man

Omg ur like a bigg brother to me...u tought me everythin I noe(lol) Ok now I am starting to sound like a mother..Hey u cannot grow apart frum me...I still like spaghetti and meat balls(lol)Ur one of my bestest friends ever:) And I wanna spend time with u in the summer,like we used to wen I lived there!! Luv Yahz Lotz

Alex aka Mrs.Cheesse

Ok yur rite we do have a lot of inside jokes between each other but I dun have that long enuff tyme to rite them so imma rite how u got yur nickname cheese!Well it was christmas eve and we were havin a bottle of smirnoff ice(lol we wereN'T drunk)and u sed sumthin sexuall to me about chesse and yah noe, member that tyme in Pizza Hut wen we made u pay for our desert n u onlee got wut one lil thingy in it and Dawn licked tha whole bowl..geeze n' then kristie fell off tha into a pile of mud..wut a retard! she is so funni wen she is wif you..LoL that time wen me u n kristie were in steves i feel in luv wid it..n then u guys well I made us get on da rong we paid 2.25 for nadda.:-(..lolz but then we got picked up by a 21 year old,cute,n drived a Honda Civic SI :-) Fate brought me n ma car 2gether..lmao..well i g2 bouce..lata TROUT..Luv Yaz..**muahz**


LMAO...that weekend @ yur house was so much fun...I can't believe he feel for it..n he almost broke ma nose..MAH GAWD...our lil 4 hour walk n we weren't even lookin in da rite place! I still can't believe yew bout a map! Gee...we r pretty damn pathetic! like seriously wen u walked outta da gas station that was funni..n dat stupid boi wuudn't help us find da place..b.c he was "busi" yea rite..n den da packi guy sed there was noh streets dat started wid "w" LIER!! tha thingy was on "W"exford" Wa a Idiot! stupid dumbass...n den da guy @ da Pizza Depot...gee sum ppl r soo stupid..OMFG It is ma grad day n im scared! ionno why but I am!! it'z weird...Hay! that day @ tha muvies we did see sumone frum dare family...VANESSA! Again! geeze..well im out! ladda..Bella 4 Life!


Omg you remember the very first time, we met Edison and all them...Omg I was so freaked out, its wanst funni (b/c of what they asked) We did have sum good times on Dawson..LoL KoDaK MoMeNt LoL..Sry but that was jokes..and the day that I moved there...The day i fell in Luv with Mike Powell(during the bigg a$$ water fight) LoL I got him right in between the eye! We hafta have a reunite Parti on Dawson and get everyone back 2gether like Ol' Tymes!..Omg member how Me, You, Kendra, and Kristie slept in ur shed.. and me n david scared teh shyt out of u guys! And in the middle of the night, David scraed the shyt out of all of us! Kristie and her knifes I tell yah! Lol Good Tymes! lmao..dat 2 weeks we spent together was pure jokes guy..lets start frum da beggin shall we...well i got dare we danced couple hours, me i feel off da dance machine..hurt alot..n yea we had devon josh mike charla chelsea and melissa ova...memories..(blow LMAO..noh i will not tuch u there for a dollar..geezuz christ our "friendz" r weird..dude u passed out "3" times..n da seconda time u flew rite off da bed..LMAO..Sarah I have a confession to make..Im mentally pregnant..LMFAO..they gotta stop doin that..okie now for all tha stuff that happened at ma house..well lets see u luv street cars..uhh u almost feel into lake ontario..uh..OMG IT LOOX LIKE A LIL ISLAND FRUM HERRE..Lmao, tha view was greet..Bruce n Brendan r hilarious tho..but agh..naw way!hmm..Dun u juss luv it wen they r..ahmm..dude he likes to wear strings as tops..wa a dork<--lolz..Did u realize there was lines on ma ceilin?LoLz..yea guud times guud times.. Sarah it wasn't totally our fault, u did uh kinda bribe wid sumfin he cuudn't resist..lmao..yea we had sum fun times then sad times..n then me n ma lil moods..g2 bounce..lata..Luv yaz..ciao bella

yes pleez! lol *baby girl*
*july 6th* **wink wink** lol
5'4!! *lol*
thugs, ginos, ice cream!, nice eyes, honesty, abs, partying, shopping, MSN, t.v, sweet guys, gina beatz, people who can be themselvez!, people who can make me laugh, ppl who i can trust,hiphop/rap, fast food, when bitches talk shit n get slapped, sunny days hehe, rainbows, skittles, candy, Wonderland!!, glowsticks, diesel, kappa, UB, guess, Buffalo, beaches,..Nice people, smirnoff ice, strawberrys, drinkin, partying, chillin wit ma girls n boys..etc..
Bitches, slutz, ppl who try and be something they arent, ppl who say shit but dont back it up, ppl who have no respect for themselvez..SO UNATTRACTIVE!, ppl who run there mouthz and dont SHUT UP, conceited, FAKE ppl, ppl who try n be your friends yet talk shit behind your back..ppl who walk around thinking they're hot but really they are BRUTAL, try hard's..*be yourself!*..people who are *all talk, no action*, rainy days, feeling upset, mean people *teartear* lol..etc..

~!*!~ SeXcI GuYZ ~!*!~

Ma FrIeNdS---> Sam(halloween dance),Joe,Corey(Cali friendz)
Marcell,Frankie,Toni<--Luv Ya Guyz

~!*!~ SeXcI GuRlS ~!*!~

SeXi GuRlZ--->Tats(BF4L),Sexi Nessa,Dawn(LiL PoSeR)
Laura,Tina(Luv ya Hun),Brit(Luv yaz)<---Luv Ya Chickaz

~!*!~ MoRe SeXcI GuYz ~!*!~

MiNt Men--->Jermain(BigBird),Ang(IncestBro),Chris(SecrectBF)
Kevin(Thx U),Fabz(DAMN!),Sam(Brit's House)<---SoLiD

~!*!~ MoRe SeXcI PeEpS ~!*!~

Mah Sexcie Friends
Sarah David Kristie

BeSt FrIeNdS--->Sarah(Lookin Fine baby),Dave(Spaghetti PLS?),Kristie(Bella-Boo-Dee)

*Best Girl Friendz* ---> (¯`·.·´¯) Brits `·.,(¯`·.·´¯) Tats (¯`·.·´¯)·´ Sarah `·.,.·´Kristie
*Best Guy Friendz*---> Ang n Chriz (tell dem everythin)
*Worst Guy Friend* ---> John
*Worst Girl Friend* ---> *I honestly dunno*
*Worst Enemy* ---> Ashley
*Sweetest Girl* ---> Kim
*Sweetest Guy* ---> Kevin..Lolz Sarah..he opened tha door for da ladyee
*Loudest Girl* ---> Jessica..lolz juss playin
*Loudest Guy* ---> Andre
*Weirdest Girl* ---> Kendra..u do sum WEIRD stuff child!
*Weirdest Guy* ---> Sam..itz juss tha way u r!
*Funniest Girls* ---> Kara..Holi Shyt
*Funniest Guys* ---> Nick..Lol yur hilarious
*Shyest Girl* ---> Jessica B
*Shyest Guy* ---> Eric M
*Tallest Girl* ---> Amanda
*Tallest Guy* ---> Alex..geezuz
*Shortest Girl* ---> Kim F.
*Shortest Guy* ---> Jordan
*Newest Friend* ---> Laura..I made a new Friend
*Oldest Friend* ---> Tats..I new u since wa?
*Biggest Girl Flirt* ---> Moi..(no more tho :-) )
*Biggest Guy Flirt* ---> CHRIZ!! n u noh it too!
*Biggest Bitch* ---> Uh..Not Shur!
*Biggest Jerk* ---> Uh..Kenith
*Biggest loser* ---> Peter
*"Blondest" Girl* --->
*"Blondest" Guy* ---> Steve..Lolz..(luv da car tho)
*Prettiest Girls* --->Tats,Brits,Sarah,Kristie,Laura
*Hottest Guys* ---> Brendan
*Worst Kisser* ---> not even gunna mention
*Best Kisser* ---> not shur..tuffy

Thx for Visiting Mah site...Tell ppl bout it n keep checkin bak for more updates..Thx Much...*Muahz*Ciao

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